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turbo oil feed/return assembly....

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  • turbo oil feed/return assembly....

    hi all.
    does anybody know the part number for this?
    i have had a leak here before and managed to get it off, repair it and put it back, so i know it's really awkward to do.
    it looks like it has gone again though, so i think it's probably best to get a new part.

    i have found the necessary part no's for the gaskets in other threads, but i'm unsure about the actual pipe assembly. can anyone help?

    thanks in advance

    (fully paid up member again!)
    black 1995 ssrx 3.0ltd

  • #2
    is it just the highlighted part in the picture?

    p/n = 15407-67010
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      aye, that's the puppy!
      i had a conversation with the spares guy at RRG toyota in denton and he quoted me £17ish plus VAT, but that sounded way too cheap to me so i assumed we were talking about a different part.

      cheers for that nero.

      black 1995 ssrx 3.0ltd


      • #4
        that price sounds about right
        one of the gaskets costs a bomb though - the copper banjo one

        pig of a job, took me a full day to replace the pipe
        but most of that time spent removing the downpipe of the exhuast, sawing through rusty bolts etc
        Landcruiser Colorado
        Sub. Forester

