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Sticky Clutch

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  • Sticky Clutch

    I hope some one can help me put a finger on the issue my Surf has developed with its clutch.
    I've had it for about 9 months now and when i first had it the clutch was nice and smooth and worked every time i put the pedal down. Over the last few weeks it has developed an intermittent fault which , and i know it is hydraulic, i would say feels like a cable is sticking somewhere.
    That is to say i can push the pedal down and the clutch will disengage ok, but when i lift my foot up the pedal stays where it is unless i flick it up with the foot. Other times it feels as though there is only the last half of the pedal travel being used to operate the clutch and it is a pain to get the next gear, either up or down.
    I've checked both the master and slave cylinders and can find no fluid leaks or other reasoning for them not to operate correctly.

    Any Ideas ??

  • #2
    Is there not a return spring on the pedal ?


    • #3
      Pedal action seems fine, and if depressed without engine running/truck moving works ok. The problem appears to be in either the hydraulics or the clutch itself.
      I'm hoping i don't have to drop gearbox out to find out what it could be.


      • #4
        Look for a return spring somewhere on the pedal 1st


        • #5
          Sounds to me like either a master or slave cyl problem (seals gone and letting fluid past). Try bleeding the clutch first, then go for the slave cyl as I think its the cheaper option.
          HOWEVER it could be that the clutch pressure plates diaphram spring is worn and slightly catching on the release bearing as it tries to re-engage the clutch.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ricksurf
            HOWEVER it could be that the clutch pressure plates diaphram spring is worn and slightly catching on the release bearing as it tries to re-engage the clutch.
            Got talking with a local mechanic today and he more or less said the same. Gonna try bleeding the system first as it can't make it any worse, just concerned that if it is the diaphram spring it may decide not to free up or worse it may cause more damage to the gearbox ?


            • #7
              Have just had exactly the same prob with my 4runner. Started one evening then ok the next day then ne3xt day again.

              Had the RAC look at it whilst at work, clutch fluid very 'dirty', looks like it hasn't been changed since god was a lad.

              Flushed system through with new fluid and bled, all good. RAC man mumbled something about it wasn't a clutch gearbox prob as the 'lever' down there worked ok.

              1 week later still got a good clutch, have ordered a spare slave cylinder because pretty sure old fluid was black to to contamination from the seals. RAC did say that they would fit it if I had it ready when it happens again. Saves kidnapping a small child off the street to lie underneath and get dirty....


              • #8
                Cheers for the replies guys.
                Looks like i need to check and lube everything around the pedal, and then move on to bleeding the system before going any further. Looks like i got a busy weekend ahead of me


                • #9
                  Originally posted by marky
                  Look for a return spring somewhere on the pedal 1st
                  Found the return spring today and this appears to be working correctly but may possibly be worn. So looks like i need to source a replacement just in case as pedal is still not returning to normal height after use. Any Ideas who will have one of these ?

                  Have replaced master cylinder and bled system as old fluid was black, but this has not improved the situation. So unless anyone can come up with any other suggestions it looks like a trip to the local garage for a new clutch is due.

