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Insurance Dilemma

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  • Insurance Dilemma

    As the Surf likes a drink I have bought a car to commute in
    Megane estate.

    What I would like to know is what is the best way to go about insuring both cars.
    I have 7 years ncd on the Surf and would like to keep it for towing the caravan.

    Dose anybody else run two cars like this and how much do you pay???

    I will have to insure and tax monday so all thoughts gratefully recieved.


  • #2
    see if your current insurers will do a deal for 2 cars. some mirror your no claims for both cars.
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      I use direct line, and get discount for two cars, and get the NCD transfered to the other one too.

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        Thanks Bob

        I will have a go online.




        • #5
          It's an issue i once had..The insurers couldn't decide if it was me or the car that was being insured (the wife doesn't drive, therefore one vehicle would be sat in the drive whilst one was on the road)..I THINK times are a changing..A friend of mine that runs two cherokees, an inport twin cab hilux and an import nissan sports car does his through the NFU (national farmer's union), all without apparent drama..My insurer's are Tesco..but his comes out cheaper, even though his offroad rigs are 4 litred lumps.


          • #6
            I have always thought of vehicle insurance as a minefield when it comes to the hilux in any shape or form.
            When I drove my first hilux at 17 I was registered as a tradesman as I was doing shop display signage. I was also driving to school in the week! Needless to say my insurance was under £300 for a modified monster pickup. Ah those were the 80's though.

            'These days' when I try and use any online quote the surf comes up as an unkown vehicle type, usually half way through the process having given away my mothers maiden name amongst other data.

            Between agreeing a quote and the brokers fiddling around with the underwriters agreement a model roughly covering what I am hurling around at 70mph is said to be insured.
            A specialist surf and 4x4 company with the knowledge of imports are still vague. The 3.0 is more difficult to tie down than the 2.4 but eventually after they send a load of bull$$$$ to me I relist the vehicle in full correcting all their errors and get any company to send a confirmation to my specs.

            Makes me sick. Toyota are basically the car giant and I believe the hilux has one of the highest number of sales in the world. Insurance people ..............sorry but you are .......... when I think of your real brain capacity......... sales fools. Someone should correct the generic online vehicle type database. Maybe I will start a clueless/specialist company. It is becoming easier to walk into a supermarket and get a deal or drive a monster truck?

            Anyway with regards to no claims there are different approaches with different companies but they usually want you to keep it on one vehicle. You can transfer it to another but most are not interested in any more than 5 years. Anything over doesn't help the cost. Maybe transfer it to the most expensive car to reduce its policy cost in the future. I just switch one to the other and repair or modify the one that's off the road.

            I love these worthless Japanese trucks. Hell I'm drinking the champagne right now that toyota gave me last week for doing the steering recall. My mate said the Aston Martin garage treated him well . Ha! Good luck.
            Last edited by toyotav84x4; 15 October 2007, 22:52.
            Smack it with a 16lb Hammer and it will come off!

