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Is it my gearbox?

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  • Is it my gearbox?

    I shall start from the beginning!!
    noticed a slight problem pulling away occasionally which seemed to be remedied by topping up the ATF - reverse always okay. The weather and length of time parked also had an effect initially.
    The problem was having to put foot right down to get moving and then lurching forward at a rate of knots.......
    At the same time it failed the MOT due to a handbrake problem which himself tried to fix and found that one was stuck on and the other not working - seemed ok on road test but at test station showed low effort on o/s/r handbrake.
    Now I drove up to Lancaster at Easter and it was fine but occasionally and seemingly in wet weather, when I slow down approaching a junction it feels like someone just slammed the brakes on but moves away again okay.

    bearing in mind due to his accident last year we are trying to survive on sweet FA apart from my salary( had to go back to work full time), can anyone recommend a garage close to Leighton Buzzard which won't rip me off.

    i do have to sell my surf for financial reasons but want to make sure that she is safe and doesn't give anyone any trouble. Which brings me neatly to my next question! i have got so used to the surf that I don't want to sit on the floor again - we don't off road and so I am thinking of a 5 door RAV4 or a honda CRV - advice on these would also be appreciated.
    Thanking you fountains of knowledge in advance! i have searched the forums btw but have not found an identical problem.

  • #2
    no takers then????? Help me out here lads and lasses.....pretty please.......


    • #3
      One of your rear shoes is binding in the drum. You need to back the adjustment off.


      • #4
        Thanks mate - will give it a go! Is it a big job?

