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SUnroof stuck

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  • SUnroof stuck

    Hi All,

    The sun came out today. The sunroof stayed put!! It sounds like it's moving very slightly, but won't open. I have searched the site re. manual override, but can't see where to find it. I have a 3.0L Gen 3 ssr-x. It's a 96 with the roof pod where the switches are.

    Could someone perhaps post a photo showing where to find the allen screw to wind it back manually. The motor buzzes for a split second then stops so the fuse must be ok and the wire/plastic worms must be intact or it would just keep buzzing so it seems just to be stuck and I am hoping the manual drive will free it off and get it moving again.


    Last edited by waveydavey00; 11 April 2007, 19:11.

  • #2
    close sunroof

    you may have already found a thread but aparantly the manual wind back is inside the credit card or driving licence flap up there by the buttons.
    it needs an alen key.


    • #3
      Yes I have found one or two threads referring to this. I cabnnot find it nor the "licence holder". Is this on Gen 3 Surfs and if so I do not think mine is the same unless I am looking for the wrong thing. It has the roof pod with the compass near the light switches but I can't see any allen screw. What I need is a photo if anyone could possibly help.


      • #4
        Can you post a picture of this pod please ?

        Would you also care to tidy up your profile so we know for certain what vehicle you have - your profile says a 1993, but in your email you mention a 96 model.

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5

          There's no mystery. I have a 3.0 ssr-x 2nd gen and recently acquired a 3rd Gen with sticky Sunroof.
          I have borrowed a photo from *bay and this is pretty much what mine looks like: I presume it works as a link:

          I hope this works.


          • #6
            Originally posted by waveydavey00

            There's no mystery. I have a 3.0 ssr-x 2nd gen and recently acquired a 3rd Gen with sticky Sunroof.
            I have borrowed a photo from *bay and this is pretty much what mine looks like: I presume it works as a link:

            I hope this works.

            Have you tried prising off the interior light lenses and having a look behind?

            You're looking for a large slotted screw head by the way, not an allen screw.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              Have you tried prising off the interior light lenses and having a look behind?

              You're looking for a large slotted screw head by the way, not an allen screw.

              I have already prised the cover off and found a large crosspoint screw head. I tried turning this and the whole pod can then be removed lights and all. This uncovers the sunroof body, but sadly does not reveal a manual override!

              Does anyone know what it connects to? If I pull out the motor is it likely to help? I am worried about dislodging the worm drives and not being able to get them back without dropping the roof lining.

              I beleive the roof has not been opened for a while as my friend ( the former owner) has confessed that he hates them and never used it. He had the car for a few years before I had it.


              • #8
                It's getting hotter!!
                Has no-one got any pointers? Does this mean they do not usually go wrong or has no-one dared pull one apart yet??

                Any help would be appreciated.


                • #9
                  Try getting someone else to operate the switch whilst you push down on the rear of the sunroof glass, start off gently, and don't hold the switch for too long at a time. But you can actually be reasonably firm, if it hasn't been used for a while it may just be stiff. Never done this on a surf but on several other cars it has worked, manual and electric sunroofs.
                  =SOLD UP!=


                  • #10
                    I will try that at weekend when I have a minute depending on how much snow we get!!


                    • #11
                      Ho hum, still couldn't shift it. When you press down at the back it moves the seal away but just springs back when you let go.
                      I had an assistant pushing the buttons, but no movement.

                      The Rough Trax A bar and blue angel eye 8.5" spots I have just fitted look damned good though. It gives the front a much more rugged look. I just felt the need to say that.

                      Any help on sunroof anyone???

