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Newbie alert and a FEW questions

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  • Newbie alert and a FEW questions

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a newbie here although not to forums in general, I'm in the process at the minute of looking for a surf, I'd like to know what pitfalls to look for and any reputable dealers in the N.W of england I'm off to one in chester tomorrow to view a few cars, I've just been to one in St.Helens, prestige cars which I wasn't impressed with.

    Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Forget dealers and high prices, look in the for sale section here. You'll find loved surfs for sale at a good price.

    Good luck and welcome!



    • #3
      Many thanks,

      But I need to go for a dealer for the finance option, as far as I know you can't buy privately on finance and I already have a bank loan ! I'd also like to have some sort of dealer warranty.
      The Model I've decided on is the 3.0 diesel I've heard the heads can be a bit dodgy on the 2.4 ?
      Are there any common faults on the 3.0 ?

      Thanks fo the welcome


      • #4
        Originally posted by steelyglint
        Many thanks,

        But I need to go for a dealer for the finance option, as far as I know you can't buy privately on finance and I already have a bank loan ! I'd also like to have some sort of dealer warranty.
        The Model I've decided on is the 3.0 diesel I've heard the heads can be a bit dodgy on the 2.4 ?
        Are there any common faults on the 3.0 ?

        Thanks fo the welcome

        Heads go on the 3ltrs to. mine went in between number 2 & 3 piston valves
        and wasnt cheap... So take a good hard look at the coolant and its condition
        look for the signs of frothing at the expansion tank. start her up and let her idle for some time.I have it on good authority that if your going for the 3rd gen TD intercooler and the mileage is around 65000/80000. chances are its still on its original head and has not had the new flow though head fitted as re-designed by toyota...
        So be warned & good hunting...


        • #5
          look at moss4x4cars down in leigh on the moss industrial estate - got mine fom there but can be pricey. Got a good deal on my old motor and had them fit the cat 2 immobiliser and towbar



          • #6
            Originally posted by steelyglint
            Hi everyone,

            I'm a newbie here although not to forums in general, I'm in the process at the minute of looking for a surf, I'd like to know what pitfalls to look for and any reputable dealers in the N.W of england I'm off to one in chester tomorrow to view a few cars, I've just been to one in St.Helens, prestige cars which I wasn't impressed with.

            Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated.
            You've seen mine around then. Go & have a look where GAZ has said, theres also a place in Warrington on the A57 cant think what its called but be very wary as these prices are'nt cheap


            • #7
              Thanks to codlord.......read this, http://www.showmesome.info/hilux/info/faq.htm

