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Slow to start

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  • Slow to start

    Up till recently, she always started almost immediatly, even if she'd been sat on the drive for a couple of weeks... I've never had any starting problems before.

    Just before Christmas I did a routine service just like I've done a dozen times before - new air, oil, fuel filters and an oil change (filters from Milners as always), greased the transmission shaft nipples, bump stops...

    Now however, the engine cranks over fast enough but it's a good 3+ seconds before the engine starts. Before it seemd to fire before a complete engine rotation had been completed.

    The sound is difficult to describe but the engine seems to try to catch and fire after 3 or 4 turns, then you can just hear the engine turning on the starter and then it will fire. A couple of times I've though she was started only to let go of the key and the engine hasn't actually caught.

    This delay before it starts is just long enough for me to start wondering if it's going to fire at all.

    Yesterday I left work and it did the above. I got home and a couple of hours later went out and it did it again. Four hours or so later for the return journey home it did it again. She's been standing all night and I've just been out and it's done it again - so it dosn't seem to matter if the engine is warm or cold.

    It doesn't sound like it's a problem with the batteries as the engine seems to turn over as fast as it ever did on the starter.
    Once she startes there's no smoke after a couple of seconds of running, runs fine at all speeds, gauges look like they always do and not using more fuel then normal.

    Around once a month I throw a container of injector cleaner in.

    The only thing I can say is different is that when I checked the oil, she's slighly over the Max on the dip stick (must have got my maths wrong) but that's the only thing different from normal.

    Any suggestions or is she just starting to show her age ?


  • #2
    Are you waiting for the GLOWPLUG relay to click 4 secs after the light has gone out.


    • #3
      Urm..... no....

      I wait for the light to go out and then just attempt to start.
      If it's really cold I repeat the procedure to double heat the plugs, but I didn't know I was supposed to wait "after" the light had gone out... which only takes a second or so.

      I'll definatly give it a try.



      • #4
        Wait for the CLICK


        • #5
          if yours is like mine then you will have to really listen for the click


          • #6
            Turn the STEREO off 1st


            • #7
              Have you tried pumping the primer on top of the fuel filter again?
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                AFAIK the glow plugs glow a futher 20 seconds after after the light goes out . please correct me if im wrong. on another note my surf starts like as soon as i turn the key no matter what the weather.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kcsl
                  Up till recently, she always started almost immediatly, even if she'd been sat on the drive for a couple of weeks... I've never had any starting problems before.

                  Just before Christmas I did a routine service just like I've done a dozen times before - new air, oil, fuel filters and an oil change (filters from Milners as always), greased the transmission shaft nipples, bump stops...

                  Now however, the engine cranks over fast enough but it's a good 3+ seconds before the engine starts. Before it seemd to fire before a complete engine rotation had been completed.

                  The sound is difficult to describe but the engine seems to try to catch and fire after 3 or 4 turns, then you can just hear the engine turning on the starter and then it will fire. A couple of times I've though she was started only to let go of the key and the engine hasn't actually caught.

                  This delay before it starts is just long enough for me to start wondering if it's going to fire at all.

                  Yesterday I left work and it did the above. I got home and a couple of hours later went out and it did it again. Four hours or so later for the return journey home it did it again. She's been standing all night and I've just been out and it's done it again - so it dosn't seem to matter if the engine is warm or cold.

                  It doesn't sound like it's a problem with the batteries as the engine seems to turn over as fast as it ever did on the starter.
                  Once she startes there's no smoke after a couple of seconds of running, runs fine at all speeds, gauges look like they always do and not using more fuel then normal.

                  Around once a month I throw a container of injector cleaner in.

                  The only thing I can say is different is that when I checked the oil, she's slighly over the Max on the dip stick (must have got my maths wrong) but that's the only thing different from normal.

                  Any suggestions or is she just starting to show her age ?

                  Sounds like a couple or more of your glow plugs have gone down. They are not mega expensive so id start by changing them. There is a check u can do but can remember off top of my head so i wont try as may misslead.


                  You have abit of air in the fuel system.
                  Last edited by Grimreeper; 6 January 2007, 22:52.
                  BEWARE OF THE REAPER


                  • #10
                    hook the plugs upto a 12v battery charger , preferebly 1 with 12v high . see how long it takes to glow , if its really slow or dont glow at all its fecked.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by internetsurfer
                      AFAIK the glow plugs glow a futher 20 seconds after after the light goes out . please correct me if im wrong. on another note my surf starts like as soon as i turn the key no matter what the weather.
                      Its a 2.4 thing, 3.0 have different glowplugs that heat up quicker.
                      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                      • #12
                        How often do you replace the Glowplugs ?

                        I've had her 3 years now and they've never been done, and I bet they wern't new when I got her..



                        • #13
                          Theres no set time, they may last donkeys years, of they'll fail out of the blue. Best to get them tested, or just replace them, they're not expensive.

                          Removing them when doing something like a cylinder head job is the most likely time they will fail, especially the ceramic 3.0 ones, Toyota recommends to not take them out unless abolutely essential (like fitting a new head) as the torque removing and fitting them can snap the insulator inside them.

                          Which also means don't fit news ones with 'Gorilla arms' torque settings!!!
                          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

