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Climate Control or no control!!

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  • Climate Control or no control!!

    Just bought my first Surf SSR - G and I am chuffed to pieces but got one niggle. The climate control or no control as mine should be renamed!. It seems to have a mind oif its own. Set to Auto with the Aircon on there doesn't seem to be any adjustment. Put it to the mid position click of 25 and it is like Antarctica on a cold day. I have to set it to nearly 30 before the fan slows and the inside defrosts a little bit. Even a milimeter after 30 and it is boiling. Is there an inside sensor that might need replacing/cleaning etc. etc. that will give me more control.

    Would write more of a description but can't stop my teeth chattering

  • #2
    I think we're going to need some more info about which Surf you have (please fill the info into your profile, makes life much easier). Most Surfs do not have climate control, and I've only seen one that does ... que Marky.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!


    • #3
      I have got a '96 3rd Gen SSR G The air con has a setting called 'auto' which I am assuming is climate control.


      • #4
        my celica had climate control . on the dash was a little slotted vent , behind it was somekind of electrical sensor which was covered in dust and years of traffic pollution . i gave it a clean and temperatures were then controlled very easily. maybe the surf has a similar kind of vent on the dash ?????

        read this post here - http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...ad.php?t=22979


        • #5
          Originally posted by internetsurfer
          ... maybe the surf has a similar kind of vent on the dash ?????
          Yes there is. Just infront of one's left knee


          • #6
            Originally posted by Slugsie
            I think we're going to need some more info about which Surf you have (please fill the info into your profile, makes life much easier). Most Surfs do not have climate control, and I've only seen one that does ... que Marky.
            YES ive got climate control


            • #7

              try this one


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rob
                Yes there is. Just infront of one's left knee

                aha the same place , gotta be behind there then.


                • #9
                  Thanks all

                  The search for the thermistor thingy begins


                  • #10
                    Finally got round to going to Toyota garage today! What a palava! Went with the part no and everything but the numpties at my local couldnt be assed! No the part no isnt recognised etc etc. Bearing in mind they told me that the heater prob was to do with humidity! After some gentle nudging in the right direction found it! Oh what a shock the part no was correct! 15 quid and it will be hear in three to four weeks.
                    Went down the path for the steering re-call, again met a brick wall! But they just didnt quite see that I was fully informed and with the correct info all thanks to this site! And after asking for head office address go my way!n
                    let you know if I get a reply.


                    • #11
                      Finally got round to going to Toyota garage today! What a palava! Went with the part no and everything but the numpties at my local couldnt be assed! No the part no isnt recognised etc etc. Bearing in mind they told me that the heater prob was to do with humidity! After some gentle nudging in the right direction found it! Oh what a shock the part no was correct! 15 quid and it will be hear in three to four weeks.
                      Went down the path for the steering re-call, again met a brick wall! But they just didnt quite see that I was fully informed and with the correct info all thanks to this site! And after asking for head office address go my way!
                      let you know if I get a reply.


                      • #12
                        I may be wrong, but I thought the KZN185 was not in the recall, thought it was for LN130s and KZN130s.

                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #13
                          Toyota Climate Control

                          The Toyota thermistor or Interior Temperature sensor is normally located at knee level near the console center.

                          Additional info: http://www3.sympatico.ca/dean.anders...tingSystem.htm

