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Fault 63

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  • Fault 63

    I posted earlier about my "O/D OFF" light intermittently flashing.

    I have finally been able to get the fault code off the computer, while the light was flashing.

    The fault code was 63.

    I have done a Search on here and all the fault code lists do not mention fault 63.

    Does anyone know what this refers to, or where I can find out ?

    Any help would be appreciated, as usual.

  • #2
    The o/d light flashing, indicates a problem with the transmission. I don't know any codes for that.


    • #3
      I appreciate the response Bushwacker, my local garage are guessing its the transmission, but the transmission oil is OK, no leaks, no running problems and the light only comes on for about 5 minutes, approx twice a week.

      The best thought so far is that its a "faulty solenoid", how significant this is I have no idea.
      I am not at all mechanically minded and accept that all forms of energy and mechanical propulsion is a miracle, only understood by beings of a far higher intelligence than me.


      • #4
        I have been away fishing in Ireland, but on the way back from Gatwick Airport yesterday, the "O/D OFF" light was flashing almost constantly.

        This suggests that whatever is wrong, is getting worse.

        It looks as though it will have to go to the Toyota Main Dealer next week for them to diagnose the problem and propose an expensive solution.


        • #5
          Code 63 is #2 solenoid circuit fault



          • #6
            I had this in my first surf, and I was told by an auto transmission specialist that it could be major or minor, and wouldn't know until the box was taken apart. To be fair he didn't rip the box out, as he said it could just be a lazy solenoid, which isn't firing in at the correct speed and showing the fault, the box was fully tested under load and compression tested and everything was fine...........now, although I wouldn't recommend you use this procedure to fix the problem, it worked in my case, my wife wrote it off, by driving into a tree (accidentally I might add), and we bought another with the payout, which didn't have a o/d light flashing probelm
            Last edited by Fieldsy; 27 August 2006, 14:59.


            • #7


              • #8
                Thanks Bushwacker, thats one helpful .pdf, just saved that,

                cheers m8y


                • #9
                  Thanks Andy and Bushwacker, I will take that info to my local (technically competent and cheap ) garage on Tuesday and get the truck fixed.

                  Very, very much appreciated.


                  • #10
                    From what I read when my old auto had the same problem, the no.1 and no.2 solenoids have a habit of getting lazy as they get older. I got both of mine replaced for $300 NZ dollars and a couple of hours labour.
                    Once you remove the trans sump the solenoids are just there apparently.


                    • #11
                      Just to give you an update on my problem.

                      Fault 63 refers to the No 2 Solenoid being faulty, or a short circuit in the wiring.
                      It affects the ability to move in and out of 2nd and 4th gear (apparently).

                      I had No 2 Solenoid replaced last week , the job cost over £300, with the solenoid alone over £130.

                      The "O/T Off" light continues to flash.

                      At first we thought they had forgotten to reset it (remove the fuse), but we tried that and it still flashes intermittently.

                      It goes in next Tuesday to have to wiring checked through.
                      The Garage have sportingly said that we will "make an arrangement" about the costs of Tuesday's work.

                      I just hope its nothing wrong with the computer.

                      I am also wondering how much a replacement auto transmission is .


                      • #12
                        Just to continue the update.

                        My local Garage diligently checked all the wiring today and couldn't find any problems of poor connections, shorting etc.
                        They had the good grace to charge me a nominal 30 minutes Labour for their time (they service and MOT both our vehicles, so we are reasonably good customers).

                        I now have no option, tomorrow I must telephone the Great Satan (Toyota Dealers at Ashford), sell a kidney and get them to have a look at it).

                        If the diagnosis was correct , the No2 solenoid has been replaced, there is no electrical malfunction,then it could be the "computer".(insert gently sobbing smilie here).

                        As somebody else may experience this problem at some time (I can't believe I am unique), I will continue the updates.


                        • #13
                          Another update.

                          My Surf spent yesterday in the hands of the Great Satan's diagnostic experts, who, at the end of their exhaustive investigations told me it was Fault 63 and was either the No2 Solenoid, the computer, or the wiring circuit between the computer and the solenoid/gear box.

                          I already knew this information.

                          Their recommendation was that I take it to a gear box specialist, as they "didn't have many dealings with diesel automatics".

                          This morning I took it to Jap Car in Hythe and Fabien "loaned" and fitted a replacement computer for me to try.
                          If this works it will be great, as even he admitted that replacing, or checking the wiring bundle was a long fiddly job.

                          I have no objection to spending money on this repair, as long as it solves the problem.
                          So far I have spent over £300 on the solenoid replacement (not with Jap Car), hopefully got away with paying Toyota nothing for their non-help (although there could be an Invoice in the post) and still haven't solved it.


                          • #14
                            Even with the "loan" computer, the "O/D Off" light intermittantly comes on, usually after I have hit a bump, or accelerated hard (both could be coincidences).

                            So, the next plan is to replace the wiring bundle from the computer to the gear box.
                            This could take two days and the estimate is about £500 total.
                            If it solves the problem, it will be money well spent, as my Surf has many miles left in her, but if it doesn't solve the problem, I'm not sure what I will do next.

                            I am in to see Fabien at Jap Car tomorrow, to return the computer and book the Surf in.
                            Then go home and cross my fingers.

