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Head problems

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  • Head problems

    my radiator split by the fill cap couple off weeks back so replaced with new rad . stopped at work yesterday and noticed hissing and bubbling coming from expansion bottle . so let motor cool down for 3 hrs and removed rad cap still lots of pressure . lost about half cup of water . replaced cap and started motor top rad hose gets rigged straight away . turned motor off slowly released rad cap to big hiss and white smoke boo hoo . think head has gone so can i get an upgraded one ? were from and for how much please help? i love the old beast and use it every day 4 work its a 3 litre turbo diesel

  • #2
    Originally posted by smnspark
    my radiator split by the fill cap couple off weeks back so replaced with new rad . stopped at work yesterday and noticed hissing and bubbling coming from expansion bottle . so let motor cool down for 3 hrs and removed rad cap still lots of pressure . lost about half cup of water . replaced cap and started motor top rad hose gets rigged straight away . turned motor off slowly released rad cap to big hiss and white smoke boo hoo . think head has gone so can i get an upgraded one ? were from and for how much please help? i love the old beast and use it every day 4 work its a 3 litre turbo diesel
    before you go the route of a new head did you get all the air out the system properly first.Both blowers set to hot put on full power and take off filler cap and start engine and let all the air out that way.Also try changing the thermostat aswell.Once you got the air out the system take the motor for a good drive and allow to cool down and re-check levels.
    Sorry if you have already done this and you still need a new head then give Tonyn a shout on here or www.4x4toys.co.uk or stevo at
    and speak to stevo


    • #3
      As above- check for airlocks before panicking- just seems too much of a coincidence after changing your rad.


      • #4
        Originally posted by smnspark
        my radiator split by the fill cap couple off weeks back so replaced with new rad . stopped at work yesterday and noticed hissing and bubbling coming from expansion bottle . so let motor cool down for 3 hrs and removed rad cap still lots of pressure . lost about half cup of water . replaced cap and started motor top rad hose gets rigged straight away . turned motor off slowly released rad cap to big hiss and white smoke boo hoo . think head has gone so can i get an upgraded one ? were from and for how much please help? i love the old beast and use it every day 4 work its a 3 litre turbo diesel
        you may find that the pressure caused the crack near the filler cap, certainly sounds like either gasket or head!! if your lucky just the gasket

