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wierd ocurence

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  • wierd ocurence

    i was driving yesterday and came to a slight hill , this hill lasts for about a mile or so (m62 westbound just before m1 jtn) i was doing 80 or so and had the aircon on
    i noticed the aircon went warm, when i say warm i meen the same as the outside air and just as if id turned it off! which i hadn't!
    and the temp gauge went up about 2 mm
    this lasted till i turned off the aircon and turned it back on
    the air in the vents went back to ice cold and the temp droped back to where it sits normally
    the car was nowhere near overheating and still way bellow the warning part on the dial
    its just very wierd
    i cant think what would cause it?
    as most of you know i had a new stevo head fitted a few months ago and when i checked the water this morning its still at the same as it was when he did it.
    any ideas as to what would cause these symptoms?
    ive donr the same route today as yesterday and it didnt do it
    at the end of the day................ it gets dark

  • #2
    could be just the air con compressor had a mind of its own for a while ????


    • #3
      Similar thing happens to mine when my rad is partially blocked with mud. If i'm on a long hill and the temp gauge starts to rise slightly, the a/c cuts out ie blows warm air until the temp has gone back down. I think its designed to take the load off the engine and also to stop generating heat at the a/c rad, in an effort to keep the engine temp down. This is on a 3rd gen though.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rob
        Similar thing happens to mine when my rad is partially blocked with mud. If i'm on a long hill and the temp gauge starts to rise slightly, the a/c cuts out ie blows warm air until the temp has gone back down. I think its designed to take the load off the engine and also to stop generating heat at the a/c rad, in an effort to keep the engine temp down. This is on a 3rd gen though.
        thats what it was like BUT the rise in temp was a mm or 2 on the dial
        im more intrigued than worried at the moment
        the rad is clear of all $$$$ but will look in the morning to see if its full of squashed flies etc
        thanks for the replies boys
        at the end of the day................ it gets dark


        • #5
          It's designed to do that, by the two air con relays next to the fuse box in the engine compartment. When the temp starts to rise the 1st relay cuts out the compressor. If the temp continues to rise the 2nd relay doubles the speed of the air con fan.

