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Problems after head replaced

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  • Problems after head replaced

    45 days ago my 3.0 tubo diesel decided to blow it's cylinder head gasket and of course the inevitable happened it also took the head out with it. So I got the AA to drop it of at my local garage where it has been ever since.Not so much as a problem as it sounds being without my beloved Surf for all that time as I spend a fair time working overseas. So today I get back from foreign parts and I get the taxi to drop me off at the garage to pick it up to be told "Ah well we have a few problems" being quick at these things I spotted the present tense...turns out that since the head was replaced the engine has lost all power and blows out a fair bit of black smoke over 3000 rpm oh yes and it 'clacks' due to excessive fuel. The garage are at a loss and are convinced it's either a dead sensor or they have reconnected one of the vacuum pipes incorrectly. The air con has also packed up and I know that was working OK pre head gasket blowing. Has anyone got any experience of similar problems and are my garage on the right track with their suspicions, I have tried in vain to find a vacuum diagram. I would really at this stage appreciate any input, it's my surf and I love it.........
    Life is a predicament of matter.

  • #2
    Is it possible they could have got the pump timing a tooth out or even the camshaft timing
    If it aint broke dont fix it


    • #3
      Hi Gary and thanks for the prompt reply. I have known the guys at the garage for years and they assure me that they have already checked both the fuel pump and the cam timing. It starts very well, almost before you turn the key, it's that good, so I don't think it's a timing issue. Cheers, John.
      Life is a predicament of matter.


      • #4
        pull it out and take it to stevo in stockport
        then recharge the work back to the original garage

        he did my head on my 2nd gen and is very easy to get on with and very very helpful
        call him he may have a possible answer
        at the end of the day................ it gets dark


        • #5
          Yep........that was my thinking to, printed out Stevos ad earlier, Stockport is only 8 miles away. Thanks for your help.
          Life is a predicament of matter.


          • #6
            And your aircon's knackered because they have to let all the gas out to do the head (I think...). It needs regassing.


            • #7
              you dont have to let the gas out to change the head. (well i didnt on ferrets truck thats nearly finished now...)
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chillitt
                you dont have to let the gas out to change the head. (well i didnt on ferrets truck thats nearly finished now...)
                Well, I'll know to keep me mouth shut next time I feel like speculating won't I. I'm sure I got told that's where the gas from mine went - that it had to be let out one of the times the head was done. Probably just someone let it out to annoy me and then made that up. Life can be so cruel.


                • #9
                  OK here is todays update in the ongoing saga, Ispoke with Stevo in Stockport this morning and he's booked solid for the next 2 weeks and then he's closing down for a 2 week holiday so that's that avenue of approach out. My local garage man has checked that the head is the right one, and it is, however, he was then told by the people who supplied the head that they had heard these symtoms before and it turned out to be the wrong cam belt fitted as part of the replacement. This is the bit I can't reconcile they said that these were cases where the belt had 1 extra tooth, does anyone know the correct Toyota part number for the cam belt.???
                  My garage man agrees on the air con, recons his mechanic may have 'forgotten' that he had emtied the system. Air con can wait, lets get the engine running first.
                  All the input is much appreciated guys, thanks.
                  Life is a predicament of matter.


                  • #10
                    all sorted....my Surf is back on the road and going like a rocket the problem turned out to be the turbo intake 'wastegate' siezed wide open, so no nice exhaust gasses to drive the turbo, Steve at Charlesworth Motors has freed it up and now all is well...........just got to pay the bill.... ....oh well you can't have everything. My thanks to all those who contributed to this thread and I hope it may prove of help to others in the future.
                    Life is a predicament of matter.

