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Oil Pressure

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  • Oil Pressure

    I've noticed a worrying thing with the old girl the last couple of days.

    Since this hot weather started, in the morning when it's cooler everything is fine. But on the journey home, I seem to be having problems keeping the oil pressure up. When stuck in traffic, the oil pres gauge is way way down the low end. Even at 2500 RPM on the motorway it only rises to about 1/3, and then it seems to be struggling to reach that point.

    In cool weather, this monring for example, at 2500 RPM its well over 1/2 way and at idle it's around 1/3.

    I keep checking the oil level and it's not moving - she's not a great oil burner in any case. The cooling liquid's still nice and clear - no foam.
    Engine temp quickly gets to just below 1/2 way which is how it behaves normally, in hot or cold weather.

    Last oil and filters change was around 2 months ago so I've done around 2,000 km on this set.

    Is this a feature in hot weather.... or do you chaps think I need to look at renewing my AA membership...

    Oh, Air con on or off dosn't make a s$$$$ of difference.


  • #2
    mine has been lower like yours of late. as long as you have some pressure and it goes up when you plant it it must be ok
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      Thanks Tim,

      I've been spending more time recently watching the gauge instead of the road... It's bad when you start thinking about planning your journys around how hot it is.


      • #4
        I think someone on here has mentioned before that the Surf oil pump is high volume rather than high pressure.
        Mike G

