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sticky speedo dial

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  • sticky speedo dial

    my speedo as mentioned last week sometimes is sticking at 45mph then moving up or down in increments of 10mph or so . now its getting on my tits. i need to start looking into what it may be , afaik looking on the toyota epc its a cable running from some kind of cogged speed sensor in the gearbox , something somewhere is sticking , i;m thinking the guys who put the uk clocks in may of pulled something offa the back of the clocks as its really the only thing thats ever been touched and the motor has just gone 10k miles so the cable should be ok . any ideas or anyone had this bother would be a great help.

  • #2
    Mine did a bit of that for a while, but it seems to have stopped now. I think the speedo is wrong though, it sits at 6mph when stood still!! I only really use the rev counter anyway.


    • #3
      blame th guy who complied your car.I think what has happened is they have pulled the needle off to replace the panel to mph and when they pulled that needle of the ended up ripping out the pin that is stuck to the needle which is suppose to sit in some sort of little motor behind the mph panel


      • #4
        you know ferret , i think ur right .

        thing is though it dont do it everytime.its maybe bent and the needle is sitting on the actual clock face itself. i will be taking out the clocks i recon and taking a look.

