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Clutch squeal when pedal is released

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  • Clutch squeal when pedal is released

    I'm experiencing a squeal when I release the clutch. It sounds like a belt slip but obviously isn't as I've never seen a belt driven clutch.
    It's similar but not the same as the squeal that I get from my aircon pump (yes I know the solution to this one but can't be arsed to fix it). I'm not noticing any kind of clutch slip and the squeal tends to stop after either the surfs warmed up or my drivings warmed up.
    Has anyone any ideas / experiences on this one?
    Before anyone asks it's a manual not an auto, (you know one of those rare breeds for those who like exercising their left leg).

  • #2
    Just read a related thread

    Ooops, perhaps I should have read the other threads first.

    It sounds like this could be the thrust bearing on it's way out. I think I'll let it develop a little more.

    If anyone can confirm this then great.

