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Bought a Surf - Niggles

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  • Bought a Surf - Niggles


    I bought a 1996 new shape Surf on Friday. It goes well and seems genuine but there are one or two niggles..

    When braking hard the steering wheel judders. I am guessing that the brake discs are warped or the pads need relacing. Has anyone had this problem?

    If I need to replace the discs I will need a service manual - any ideas where can I get one?

    There is a very irritating vibration eminating from the dash board - this is particularly loud when starting the engine from cold. How difficult is it to remove the dash?

    Otherwise it seems fine. The exhaust is a stainless steel one which sounds like it is blowing. I don't think it is - it is just the size of the pipe and the one muffler.

    Any help or advice gratefully received.

    Cheers, Jim
    1996 3rd generation surf

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jim-Phillips

    I bought a 1996 new shape Surf on Friday. It goes well and seems genuine but there are one or two niggles..

    When braking hard the steering wheel judders. I am guessing that the brake discs are warped or the pads need relacing. Has anyone had this problem?
    disc problem ive just changed mine for this reason.....

    If I need to replace the discs I will need a service manual - any ideas where can I get one?
    if you realy need a manual you could get one from ebay or try milners or roughtrax...but i hear that 3rd gen surf discs are realy easy!!!!!



    There is a very irritating vibration eminating from the dash board - this is particularly loud when starting the engine from cold. How difficult is it to remove the dash?

    before removing the dash i would check underneath the dash via the footwells see if any thing as worked loose relay etc........

    Otherwise it seems fine. The exhaust is a stainless steel one which sounds like it is blowing. I don't think it is - it is just the size of the pipe and the one muffler.

    they do seem to sound like that....

    Any help or advice gratefully received.

    Cheers, Jim
    failing all the above take it back to where you bought it from and get them to put it right.....good luck.....
    CHEERS JOHN................


    • #3

      fantastic response - less than one hour and all my questions answered. Where did you buy your brake discs from? (BTW I bought the Surf as a private sale)

      Thanks, Jim
      1996 3rd generation surf


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jim-Phillips

        fantastic response - less than one hour and all my questions answered. Where did you buy your brake discs from? (BTW I bought the Surf as a private sale)

        Thanks, Jim
        i bought mine from here....

        allthough these are supposed to be of better quality from here....


        remember that you will also need pads....

        btw is that the stone near rotherham??

        good luck....
        CHEERS JOHN................


        • #5
          Stone near Stafford. I may as well buy the dics, pads and manual all together from Milner

          - thanks for the help.
          1996 3rd generation surf


          • #6
            Of course if you got it from a DEALER he has to put it right for FREE


            • #7

              bought my surf( 3rd gen ,3ltr, diesel,ssrg '96) for about 3 weeks now. It had the same problem whereby there was a slight judder of the steering wheel steering when braking. Got it checked, there was nothing with the brake discs or pads. Its just that the old chap whom i bought it from hardly ever drove it as he is only in the country in summer. The discs tend to rust if seldom used. After a good test drive to barnsley everything was fine. I have since had a full service for piece of mind and enjoying it.



              • #8
                I also have that annoying rattle coming from inside the dash. have noticed that you can actually manipulate the sound by playing around with the hot/cold switch i think it maybe something to do with the vents that open and close? maybe there is a loose one somewhere.

                your ABS maybe the cause of the steering vibration. the ABS is pumping the pisitions when you are trying to stop causing the vibrations or it may be due to your wheels being out of wack.


                • #9
                  mmm... I wondered about the wheels being out as well. The steering wheel points slightly off the the right when driving straight. I know this may be a wheel allignment issue but there is a receipt for a wheel allignment having been done. Maybe the previous ownder whacked a curb. I have ordered the discs and will see if thqat sorts it out..
                  1996 3rd generation surf


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jim-Phillips

                    I bought a 1996 new shape Surf on Friday. It goes well and seems genuine but there are one or two niggles..

                    When braking hard the steering wheel judders. I am guessing that the brake discs are warped or the pads need relacing. Has anyone had this problem?

                    If I need to replace the discs I will need a service manual - any ideas where can I get one?

                    There is a very irritating vibration eminating from the dash board - this is particularly loud when starting the engine from cold. How difficult is it to remove the dash?

                    Otherwise it seems fine. The exhaust is a stainless steel one which sounds like it is blowing. I don't think it is - it is just the size of the pipe and the one muffler.

                    Any help or advice gratefully received.

                    Cheers, Jim
                    Mine was exactly the same on both counts. The rattle is the plastic flaps in the heater controls inside the dash. They have a felt/foam like substance along the egde to maintain a good seal and "stop" rattles but it breaks down and comes out thru the air vents and makes this rattle. Its very annoying on such a quality vehicle. Only option is to strip the centre out of the dash and fix it. I aint done mine yet but will do so later this summer if I can find the time.

                    I used to have a surf me!


                    • #11
                      off topic alert!!

                      Hey Al, did you retrieve your in-flight video??


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                        Hey Al, did you retrieve your in-flight video??

                        Hi Vince,

                        I have got it back but not as a viewable file yet. Now need to get a repair program now for the corrupted video file. Sadly, when downloading the program to get the file off the SD card I picked up a virus and the whole machine went into meltdown (hence my not being about for a bit)

                        As soon as I get the vid so that I can see it I will post it up here.

                        I used to have a surf me!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by phoebelala
                          Mine was exactly the same on both counts. The rattle is the plastic flaps in the heater controls inside the dash. They have a felt/foam like substance along the egde to maintain a good seal and "stop" rattles but it breaks down and comes out thru the air vents and makes this rattle. Its very annoying on such a quality vehicle. Only option is to strip the centre out of the dash and fix it. I aint done mine yet but will do so later this summer if I can find the time.


                          This could be missleading so I will clear it up
                          They have a felt/foam like substance along the egde to maintain a good seal and "stop" rattles but it breaks down and comes out thru the air vents so allowing the plastic to plastic contact that causes this rattle.

                          There, thats better
                          I used to have a surf me!


                          • #14
                            Now there is an idea. I have learnt to put up with the rattle by turning up the radio plus it only happens on cold mornings but when you take off the noise goes away only to reappear when your stuck at the lights. Only solution is to gun it just before the lights turn red. LOL.
                            nah and I thought it was something major going on behind the dash, seems like i need to buy new foam to seal the duct work and stop the plastic ducts from hitting one another.

