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Am I nuts?

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  • Am I nuts?

    Hi firstly when I press the idel up button nothing seems to happen is there a light which comes on or what? the revs stay the same Secondly how do I know if my hard/normal shock absorber button is working I can't feel any difference, how do I check if I have toyota shocks and if that button actually works? does the car rise for example I'm puzzled. Thirdly shall I keep the od button on or off I'm a humble road user. Forthly I've just bought it and can't stop peeping out the livingroom window at it, I've become obsessed! am I nuts or is this car the most beautiful thing I've ever owned? Do I need help?

  • #2
    The revs should rise when you press the idle up switch. the switch doesn't actually click, it's kind of spring loaded. Press once for on and once for off.
    Try driving down a bumpy road or lane and flick the hard/soft switch on and off and see if you can feel any difference in the ride quality. If not, either the switch isn't working or after market shocks have been fitted.

    Oh, and for normal road driving, keep the overdrive button on, i.e. not warning light illuminated on the dash.
    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 13 April 2006, 00:03.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 24840399
      Hi firstly when I press the idel up button nothing seems to happen is there a light which comes on or what? the revs stay the same Secondly how do I know if my hard/normal shock absorber button is working I can't feel any difference, how do I check if I have toyota shocks and if that button actually works? does the car rise for example I'm puzzled. Thirdly shall I keep the od button on or off I'm a humble road user. Forthly I've just bought it and can't stop peeping out the livingroom window at it, I've become obsessed! am I nuts or is this car the most beautiful thing I've ever owned? Do I need help?
      off topic but im guessing you were in the military at some point???
      CHEERS JOHN................


      • #4
        Idle-up only works in Park and Neutral.


        • #5
          Originally posted by slim
          off topic but im guessing you were in the military at some point???
          correct 3rd battlion queens regiment


          • #6
            Originally posted by 24840399
            I've just bought it and can't stop peeping out the livingroom window at it, I've become obsessed! am I nuts or is this car the most beautiful thing I've ever owned? Do I need help?
            Its been said many times before "the grin never goes - it just gets bigger!"
            ......... and it helps if you're nuts as well - you will blend in better on the forum - Welcome!
            If you're gonna have one ...... have a good'un!


            • #7
              Originally posted by 24840399
              correct 3rd battlion queens regiment
              Sorry to hear that, but welcome to the real world, enjoy the car mate
              SWIFT AND BOLD


              • #8
                Originally posted by 24840399
                correct 3rd battlion queens regiment
                where they based at??
                CHEERS JOHN................


                • #9
                  I did my basic with Queens div they were at Bassingbourne but that was a lot of years ago.

                  At least you didnt have a budgie on your hat.


                  • #10
                    if you kneel down by each wheel and get someone to to press the suspension switch you should hear a clicking
                    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by charvell
                      Sorry to hear that, but welcome to the real world, enjoy the car mate
                      How many battle honors did you guys get hmmm...3 how many did we get hmmm...83
                      Last edited by 24840399; 16 May 2006, 13:02.

