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occasional smoker

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  • occasional smoker

    Hi Guys'n'Gals,
    As a newcomer to both SURFs and Diesels I wonder if anyone can suggest a cause for my '93 3.0 ltr. TD occasionally smoking.
    Normally she runs beautifully and starts first pull, but twice since new year she has been very reluctant to start and, once started, smokes like a good'un for the next 5 minutes or so - ( white smoke, like the rings have gone on a petrol engine ) - next start, she's back to normal.
    Any ideas?
    Smile - it confuses people!

  • #2
    Originally posted by ianroscoe
    Hi Guys'n'Gals,
    As a newcomer to both SURFs and Diesels I wonder if anyone can suggest a cause for my '93 3.0 ltr. TD occasionally smoking.
    Normally she runs beautifully and starts first pull, but twice since new year she has been very reluctant to start and, once started, smokes like a good'un for the next 5 minutes or so - ( white smoke, like the rings have gone on a petrol engine ) - next start, she's back to normal.
    Any ideas?
    shove a full bottle of redex into your fuel tank, it usually does the trick


    • #3
      I filled up at a little independant garage in London a couple of weeks ago and mine ran like a bag of poo. It smoked white until warm, ran rough and didn't seem to have as much grunt. The diesel had a funny kerosene/paraffin smell to it. I ran it until the yellow light came on and filled up at a BP garage. It seems a lot better now.

      Has anyone else suspected they may have had a dodgy tank of fuel?
      It's only a hobby!


      • #4
        yes I did - you might remember the thread...
        I couldnt drive mine though!


        IN the end I took a payout and got the injectors changed for DieselBob ones.
        Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


        • #5
          maybe the glowplugs? dunno why it would be as inconsistent as your's though..the thinking on the forum is to wait until way after the preheat light blinks out..listen carefully and you'll hear a little click from under the bonnet, thats the time to wind her over methinks?


          • #6
            my bike smokes a lot when i put diesel in it too

