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transmission noise

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  • transmission noise

    Hi all I have a 1994 surf 3.0 ssrx with auto transmission. The problem is when I pull up to a stop and then go to pull away again there is a slight clunk from somewhere underneath the vehicle. I think it may be transmission related as when I do the same again but coasting in neutral it does not happen. I do not know if this is causing any damage to the vehicle but it is very irritating, any advice or ideas please anyone?

  • #2
    It sounds like your prop shaft's nipples need pumping with grease.


    • #3
      Mine does something similar. Not sure but I think it's either something moving in one of the rear side pockets, the jack under the rear passenger seat or the rear mounted spare. Can't find anything loose or worn under the car, so presume that must be it on mine.
      Mike G


      • #4
        Cheers guys. The propshaft was my first suspicion aswell, but it does not seem to be a metal on metal clunk on taking up drive. It feels almost like a release of tension from the transmission like its not disengaging properly and then suddenly doing so before re-engaging.It is only occuring after stopping and taking up drive again. The idle speed is more or less 750-775 rpm and transmission fluid levels are o.k.


        • #5
          If you have auto transmission and are not taking it out of Drive when you stop, the prop and diff are being torsioned even when stationary. If there was play here, shifting D-N-R-N-D would clunk both ways.

          Check the brakes as these can get a little sticky on some cars (don't know about the Surf yet) and come off with a clunk, or as Tallyman suggested, could be something moving in or on the vehicle.

          Try start/stop a few times with someone outside the car and see if they can hear it.


          • #6
            There is a telescopic joint in the propshaft to allow for axel/suspension articulation. If it clunks when you come to a stop, then it needs a re-grease .


            • #7
              Cheers guys, looks like I will have to buy me a grease gun and have a look this weekend. Will let you know what happens.

