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white smoke/water loss

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  • white smoke/water loss


    I don't know if anyone can help?

    I've noticed water loss from my kzn185 3.0td, it loses approx 2 liters after having driven approx 2000 kilometers. I can't seem to find the problem, no obvious leaks etc. Also It now upon starting, bellows out a ton of white smoke, the smoke clears up once the engine has warmed up.

    I assumed that perhaps the head is cracked or that the gasket has failed, but, the car seems to drive fine.

    Any ideas or advice would be appreciated.

    happy new year!!!!

  • #2
    I believe you're looking at either a head or head gasket problem (water getting in to the combustion chambers). A cracked head on a 3.0L is unusual but not unknown. Head gasket more likely if it's running OK, but unless the radiator is regularly boiling over (air lock possible) or you have a knackered rad cap or thermostat, you really should not be losing any water at all.

    Really need to get it looked at to avoid any further problems.
    Mike G


    • #3
      these winter mornings certainly encourage the steaming surf effect..mine looks like a industrial chimney first thing..

      if your engine is ingesting water whilst standing, then it could become an expensive issue if neglected..i'm sure you know way more about such things than i, but i do remember reading a post that was describing hydro lock? or something..basically, the theory being that water doesn't compress well, well, not at all even..something could give, and that would cost..do you hear any strange noises on starting?

      another thread suggested getting the engine really warm, then switching off..any cracks should be open enough to let water seep in..then, after a couple of minutes, start it up..if there is water in a cylinder, it should be seen as white steam...

      as you cannot see any obvious leaks, then as you say, its probably going out through the exhaust..i hope it turns out to be the lesser of the evils for you..

      listen to me talking about things as if i understand them ha ha..jeez, i can't even empty the ashtray without supervision..


      • #4
        My money's on the rad cap needing replacing..
        May as well change the thermostat too, to make sure coolant is circulating properly.


        • #5
          hate to say it but mine did the exact same thing.... then the head got changed was cracked between valves, also needed replacement radiator.... hope its not that but dont spend the lot on the january sales
          TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



          • #6
            If the rad cap looks ok on the seal get a gas and pressure test done on the water system. I purchased my 3.0 surf with a suspect cracked head and drove it home 220 miles with very little water usage. When I removed the head it was cracked on all 4 cylinders with no evidence of gasket failure. The result of a previously partially blocked radiator. The gas test will tell you if you have combustion gases in the coolant, the pressure test will tell you if the coolant system is running at above normal pressure, if cylinder compression is pumping into the cooling system.


            • #7
              excellent advice so far, I'm really hoping that it isn't the head cracked, but, i'll keep away from the sales just i case.


              • #8
                just a thought..some of the guys have noticed bubbles in the expansion tank due to exhaust gasses escaping into the cooling system..try running the motor with the rubber hose of the expansion bottle tube submerged in the coolant..if it starts to bubble, it could be exhaust gasses escaping through a crack..

                as bushwhacker said though, those rad caps do let go..mine did..took a while to find the problem because the coolant was evaporating off the hot radiator...and it'll make us 3 ltr owners sleep a whole lot better if it ain't cracked

