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Another newbie question

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  • Another newbie question

    Hi all
    Been thinking about a 4 x 4 for a while now and ruled out the mitsubishi and disco,which has left me with the surf and the trooper.
    Now obviously i'm on a surf site so you are all going to tell me to buy the surf but WHY should i buy a surf over a trooper.
    Personally i think the gen 2 surf looks great and has all the toys.Majority are auto's which will suit me fine.Better engines?Better mpg?

    There are 2 on Ebay just now i am really interested in.

    The above one has a 3 inch lift kit on it.I realise the body roll will be more but how bad will it be?Remember i am coming from a family saloon car to 4 x 4.
    I take it i'm in for a bit of a shock!!!

    Test driving isn't really an option as i'm 250 miles North in Scotland
    The seller seems to have sold quite a few surfs and seems an honest bloke.Has anybody else on here bought one off him?


    This is the other one i like

    Problem i have is i have been offered a very cheap but very greedy(3500 petrol) Trooper 98 on a r reg for 2k,but they seem to have very scary fuel consumption.

    So you see it is very hard for me to pay another 2k for an older vehicle so c'mon guys twist my arm and persuade me!!

  • #2
    £2K for a 98 Trooper. I'd be very worried I was getting a heap of trouble at that price. What mileage has it done?
    Mike G


    • #3
      Both seem like nice cars although I`m buying an `N`reg tomorrow SSR-G similar to yours for 4k which makes yours look a bit over-priced? Either that or mine is a shed and I don`t know it yet LOL. And why has he intentionally kept the front out of view? I`d make sure you ask for close up snaps of that before going any further.

      Have you looked at the big-foot one yet? If I was going for anyone it`d be that one or the custom built one.



      And as far as Toyotas are concerned I personally don`t think you can`t beat them. I`ve only ever had Landcruisers and they were the most reliable and sturdy cars I`ve ever owned. I put it through hell and it never missed a beat. I would never have sold it. It got nicked!! But like I say i`ll be getting my first Surf tomorrow and I`m sure I won`t be dissappointed but I`ll let you know.

      Good luck
      Last edited by LuckyBstd; 29 November 2005, 00:53. Reason: spwellin misstakes
      [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red][b][u]SSR-G SURF `N` REG 95[/u][/b][/color][/font]


      • #4

        It must go as the wife hates it and will not drive it due to everyone pointing at it.

        hehehe!!... i wonder why?!!
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tallyman
          £2K for a 98 Trooper. I'd be very worried I was getting a heap of trouble at that price. What mileage has it done?
          It has done 160k miles and needs a new rocker cover,and has a broken coil.Seems to run perfect and not too bad condition body wise.My mate bought it from the auctions on sunday ,drove it down the road and his missus says err no way am i driving that
          I think it might need a clutch soon as it doesn't bite till right at the top but is still mighty cheap and tempting

          Good luck with your surf buying Lucky!!
          Last edited by wayne509; 29 November 2005, 18:24.


          • #6
            Originally posted by da SLUG man

            hehehe!!... i wonder why?!!
            VILE ain't it

            Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.


