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a quick turbo question

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  • a quick turbo question

    i just got my surf 3.0ltr ssrg (red) today, and its also the firt turbo charged vehicle i've had, so forgive me if this question sounds dumb.
    when the turbo kicks in 200 rpm ish, it sounds like a hoover and whines a bit. is this normal?
    the person in japan who had it before me has put a k&n filter instead of the normal filter box. could this be the cause? or have i a got an air leak?

    i have no warning lights on the dash, so i'm assuming all is ok there,

    thanks in advance

  • #2
    Yep. If it whistles it's working o.k. The little green light in the rev counter should come on above 2000rpm as well.
    The 'Hoover' noise is the K&N filter sucking air.


    • #3
      cheers for the reply,
      i don't have a green light though, i guess might be a bulb gone. it also has a boost guage which doesnt seem to move, i best get me a manual and get me head under the bonnet.
      i'm glad my jeep died now. this truck is amazing.


      • #4
        Originally posted by IIIrd
        cheers for the reply,
        i don't have a green light though, i guess might be a bulb gone. it also has a boost guage which doesnt seem to move, i best get me a manual and get me head under the bonnet.
        i'm glad my jeep died now. this truck is amazing.

        It might be a good idea to update your profile, then it will show what surf you have under your name.

        No green turbo light on 3.0 ltrs.


        • #5
          good plan, profile updated


          • #6
            just another quick question,

            the guywho owned this fine machine before me had installed a turbo timer, and an hks evc. the turbo timer will have to go so satisfy the cat 1 standard for my alarm.
            the evc sounds interesting. from what i can make out its a boost controller for the turbo.
            i'm unsure if i should have it removed and just let the system do it as its designed.
            has anyone had any experience with one of these?


            • #7
              it depends if you want to have more power

              i dont know what series you have but here is a manual for the series I electronic valve controller - hope it help





              • #8
                thanks alex, most appreciated

