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airbox pipe thingy from roughtrax

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  • airbox pipe thingy from roughtrax

    just browsing through the roughtrax site, i've noticed they stock a blue pipe that fits between the airfilter housing and the solid pipe that runs to the turbo.its 20 quid or so, and effectively replaces the corrugated flexi tube, which, i understand, is prone to splitting..is the only advantage in this replacement in the fact its more durable, does not having this blue mod single you out as a surfing wannabe or is there some magic properties involved in this fairly inoffencive looking piece of tackle? i'm interested, because i tend to get some resonation noise which seems to centre on the airbox area..every time i change, or move the filter, (milner's kit), it stops, only to occure again at some point..

    i'll be disconnecting the egr tomorrow due to an approaching mot and an embarrasing black smoke issue. the gameplan is to nip the pipe up with a bulldog clip or something..anyone want to shout "noooooo, don't"? before its too late..by the way, there is a fantastic gismo on ebay..na, only kidding

  • #2
    Hi Mickey,
    I 've seen that blue pipe, and I'll be ordering one soon, but for now I'm using the old convoluted tube with loads of gaffer tape 'round it!

    Re: the EGR mod, just pull the pipe off, bend in half and wrap one of those zip ties around.

    Top tip............ before you take your truck for the M.O.T. give it a good blast down an 'A' road or dual carriageway to get the engine nice and hot, then your emisions test will pass easily.

    Re: the filter 'noise' do you mean it moves around in the housing?


    • #3
      hi vince..re the blue pipe..well, it looks cool enough to be worth the 22 quid spend methinks, so yeah, i'll be sending for one pretty pronto..a while back, i managed to de-****e the system with some hair-raising floorings of the go pedal, but looks like several sedate journeys have gunged things up again..overtook a tractor on a narrow road, gave her some welly and the portion of the world behind my truck just dissapeared..that was six hours ago, and i'll bet the poor driver thought "bugger thas gittin dark quick now".

      the resonation is an ongoing source of frustration.previously i assumed it was a blowing exhaust, kinda similar noise, plus i was getting a reverbaration in the footwell..my post was answered with several suggestions of an induction noise.a filter change and pipe inspection followed, and it appeared, or at least i thought, the previous filter may have been vibrating in the housing..in fact, i still think this might be the situation, despite three changes since..my assumption is due to noticing the same noise, only louder, on two occassions when the air temp probe had blown out of the filter box..also, wiggling the filter, then snapping the housing shut does seem to temporarily quieten things down a tad..speaking to a guy with a 4runner, he said he had the same problem, so put some rubber sealing around the lid to hold things tighter.


      • #4
        Have you checked the air intake pipe from behind the passenger headlight to the filter housing is'nt blocked or restricted,
        Also the black plastic tube that the convoluted tube connects to?
        If they are restricted, it's probably the cause of the smoke screen behind you, and the pressure build up in the air filter housing which made the airflow sensor pop out. (assuming that you have a new air filter)


        • #5
          hello again vince, ta for that advice, certainly makes sense..ok, yes, the filter is new, i put it in only a fortnight ago..the smoke, well, there was a large cloud of black soot, reminiscent of a partial chimney collapse, but only lasted as long as i was in afterburner mode..in fact, its usually quite clean with normal acceleration..however, i do understand you're thinking, and did once wonder if i had a polythene bag in the intake or something..to be honest, i only persued that line of thinking as far as looking at the airbox, scratching my head and thinking "i wonder where that pipe goes"? having blinded myself with mechanical overload, i settled on reaching for a beer instead..the fact that the sensor isn't supposed to blow out didn't really occur to me, untill now.

          now, the thing is, i need to look at it don't i?, but to be realistic, with my scant knowledge of such things, i feel that if i go out with my shiny spanners, in five hours from now, i'll be sitting on a bare chassis, wondering how i'm going to get it all back together.my problem is, i tend to equate the ability to pull things off, to mechanical prowess, and whilst the image of being covered in oil with my head under the bonnet appeals to my ego, in my case, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

          right, i've just been out and had a look.one bolt to release the airbox, maybe two, but certainly a big one over the afformentioned pipe..then two phillip screwed clips around a rubber hose..looks like the black plastic pipe that dissapears behind the passenger headlight should then pull back towards the filter housing? looks reasonably straightforwards.in fact, i'm getting excited, because some tasty birds walk past my drive, i just wish i wasn't so fat.

          whilst out, i looked for the egr valve..i knew where to look due to the excellent thumbnails on this site..but, its gone..the only thing that resembles my mental image, is a contraption directly under the heater matrix..cleaning off the gunge, the only wording on the green label in english, was "dipso" which says it all really..is that it? i'll leave well alone untill someone gets back to me, if they so wish of course, ha ha..meanwhile, i'll search the thumbnails again..i might have been looking at the 2.4 images...


          • #6
            Hi Mickey, the air pipe that goes to the headlight should just pull out / push back in with a hose clip on the airbox end. no need to remove the airbox really.

            Re: The EGR valve, it's in this pic.


            I don't know if you've seen this, but some more info. for ya re; your engine.

            Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 3 September 2005, 11:12.


            • #7
              I have a snazzy blue pipe the same as RT sell and its been on the car a couple of years and it still looks new... the silicone is much better at being shaken about than the originals as is very flexy
              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat

