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vibration rough idle

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  • vibration rough idle

    when my 3.0 is idling i have a low vibration prob the transfer box stick vibrates more than i would expect the vehicle is idling at round 750 rpm just put new air filter in
    could this be an injector prob?
    she runs fine under load but at idle lots of vibration any ideas

  • #2
    Mine does the same. The large 4WD button on the 4H - 4L lever buzzes like mad at tickover but, as you say disappears, at normal speeds. Try putting a small elastic band round the button, not tight but enough just to stop it vibrating. That should make it a bit sweeter.
    Mike G


    • #3
      I think this is normal.

      Mine idles a little fast sometimes (800) when hot or when a/c is on and the vibration disappears. Just unfortunate that the natural frequency of the engine/gbox unit co-incides with this normal idle speed. It may be that the engine mountings have deteriorated over the years and this has changed the resonant frequency. I doubt that Toyota would have allowed them to leave the factory like this. Does anyone have any experience of changing the engine mounts and did this change the idle vibration?

      Alternatively, you could try changing the mass of the 4WD lever by attaching a weight of some sort around the lever - not so that it impede the movement though.



      • #4
        I use the ENC (Engine Noise Canceling) feature- aka the CD volume control knob!


        • #5
          looks like you got your vibration damping field on in that pickture too.. still vibrates but is damper..
          it's in me shed, mate.

