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problem with gears

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  • problem with gears

    automatic box will only let me have 3 gears, costing me a small fortune to drive ,man in garage says its a electrical problem but needs wiring diagram.any advice or help will be much appreciated
    Last edited by toxteth ogrady; 10 March 2005, 22:03.

  • #2
    Originally posted by toxteth ogrady
    automatic box will only let me have 3 gears, costing me a small fortune to drive ,man in garage says its a electrical problem but needs wiring diagram.any advice or help will be much appreciated

    just checking this is working come on -anyone with any ideas please assist


    • #3
      Originally posted by toxteth ogrady
      just checking this is working come on -anyone with any ideas please assist
      I am sure someone will post the answer for you , just give it a while . Wait for the correct answer rather then everyone just guessing .

      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


      • #4
        Originally posted by toxteth ogrady
        just checking this is working come on -anyone with any ideas please assist
        Been thinking about this one for a day or two. Is it only the 4th you can't or the overdrive as well? What happens if you leave overdrive off- how many up changes do you count?



        • #5
          Probleb With Gears

          The Surf auto box won't change up into top until the engine has reached full operating temperature - is your engine running cold ?

          I have a Toyota guide on checking/testing the auto transmission but it is too big to post to the Forum (approx 580kb). Drop me your Email address and I will post it too you direct.

          Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


          • #6
            hi .sorry i havnt replied earlier but just got back from a 2 week holiday in ireland in the surf. bloke in garage has put a switch on the dash which when i get into third i can flick the switch and it sends a signal to the solanoids and gives me 4th gear( he says this is tempory until we can get a wiring diagram)
            anyway thanx for your replys and info as any information is greatly appreciated .
            Last edited by toxteth ogrady; 29 March 2005, 20:57.


            • #7
              Are you sure its not just your over drive button.There seems to be a bit of confusion as to whether it should be on or off.
              This was confirmed when i got my second surf and found the overdrive set up was the opposite way round .On the first surf it was off and gave me the other gears.On this surf when its on i get them.
              It may not help but i thought i would put my tuppence worth in.


              I always work better wet .

              Its why I became a plumber!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by toxteth ogrady
                hi .sorry i havnt replied earlier but just got back from a 2 week holiday in ireland in the surf. bloke in garage has put a switch on the dash which when i get into third i can flick the switch and it sends a signal to the solanoids and gives me 4th gear( he says this is tempory until we can get a wiring diagram)
                anyway thanx for your replys and info as any information is greatly appreciated .
                Check your Email - info has been sent. Hope it helps.
                Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


                • #9
                  cheers mike66 ,but i have tried everything from the overdrive button,ect power switch. im getting closer to sorting it out but with all the help from you guys it shouldnt take long now


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Silversurfer
                    Check your Email - info has been sent. Hope it helps.
                    cheers silversurfer

