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Gearbox advice for a PC less mate!

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  • Gearbox advice for a PC less mate!

    Right - I will be brief!!
    Friend has N plated 3.0 auto with a failing gearbox. He has been quoted £1200 for new box and £800 for re-con existing.
    Is this reasonable?
    does anyone know of anywhere in the beds/bucks(he lives in Cranfield nr Bedford) that can do a good job for less money?
    answers on a postcard please.............and quickly cause it's freaked out my other half who last night suggested that we sell ours before we have any such problems!! Obviously I would like to avoid this!
    cheers peeps


  • #2
    cant help with ur mates gearbox,

    but on the other half front just say "look the toyotas are used in areas that your life depends on reliability whatever we get next is bound to be less reliable than this, its better that we stick with this car that i know inside out that take a risk on somthing else", assuming logic kicks in she should realise that whatever car you buy wear and tear is a risk and buying somthing 2nd hand evean more so (whos to say what it was drove like b4 u buy),


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ste00
      cant help with ur mates gearbox,

      but on the other half front just say "look the toyotas are used in areas that your life depends on reliability whatever we get next is bound to be less reliable than this, its better that we stick with this car that i know inside out that take a risk on somthing else", assuming logic kicks in she should realise that whatever car you buy wear and tear is a risk and buying somthing 2nd hand evean more so (whos to say what it was drove like b4 u buy),
      I think you mean HE will realise...............He's after a "joy machine"........


      • #4
        sorry i dont read names and assume too much


        • #5
          It might be worth trying Luton Gearboxes. I'll try to get the number from my brother.
          It's only a hobby!

