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Gearbox Oil Cooler and Electric Fan

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  • Gearbox Oil Cooler and Electric Fan

    OK I know both of these have come up before (spent the afternoon working my way through most of the threads !) however there doesn't seem to be a definitive statement on a couple of issues so can somebody give it to me in words of one syllable please ?

    I've got a 96 3.0 TD Intercooler Auto and I'll be dragging my tin tent down to the bottom end of the Rhone Valley in the summer holidays. I've never had any problem with overheating so far BUT I've never towed the van at high(ish) speed over mountains in the heat and I'd rather not discover a major problem in the middle of a holiday !

    First the electric fan - I know there are views on both sides but according to Kenlowes website I can reasonably expect 8.5% fuel saving, better performance, better cooling and less noise.

    Does anyone have any experience of fitting a Kenlowe fan ?
    What size would I be looking at ? (I'm inclined towards the 16")
    Do they deliver the promises ?
    How simple is it to remove/disable the viscous coupled fan ?

    And now the oil cooler ......

    Does the 3rd gen have the same issue as the earlier 3.0 autos where the coolant flow is obstructed by the standard oil cooler ?
    If I were to fit an additional oil cooler where's the best place to mount it ? (I've already got the air con condenser in front of the rad and there doesn't seem to be enough space for an oil cooler)
    What size would be best ?

    I tried asking these questions at Newbury 4x4 and the answer was - "If you get the right bits we'll fit them" ...... which is wonderfully profitable for them but leaves me no further forward - I know I could just ring Kenlowe but I'd rather have some info available before I start.

    Cheers !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    I fitted the largest Pacet electric fan I could fit ( they are supposed to be more efficient then the Kenlow) and it got it got to hot towing in this country in April
    a electric fan will never be as good as the standard viscous mechanical one already on the Surf.
    I have towed down through France for the last 2 years 1500 KG van 2 mountain
    bikes on the roof etc and the standard cooling on the transmission is more then adequate.
    ionic SURFactant


    • #3
      I don't know the difference between yours and mine (94 KZN130), but for towing with an auto box most people would recommend a cooler. There's nothing quite like heat for destroying an auto transmission. If you can't fit it where it will get the most airflow, I believe the next best option is inside the o/s front wheel arch.
      Everything's easy, when you know how!


      • #4
        The KZN185 range has a bigger radiator then the KZN130 for better cooling and the gearbox holds more fluid both these items help the cooling we have a Prado at work same box, tows a 2 wheel trailer every day (normaly with a Pajero on it) its done 450,000 miles now the auto box is still going strong but if you want piece of mind it will do no harm to fit a extra cooler.
        ionic SURFactant


        • #5

          Cheers Steve - I feel a lot more comfortable now - theory's all well and good but the words from somebody who's done it are far more valuable !

          On a related matter - the recommendations I've read are ECT on and overdrive off for towing - is this fixed in stone or does it only apply when driving slowly uphill ?

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6
            I can understand the use of ECT when towing to allow the full use of the engines power band but not using overdrive does not add up as you are effectively not allowing the use of two further gear choices. Like only using 1st 2nd and 4th on a manual car.
            [U]Cheers Ian[/U]


            • #7
              I have tried the Kenlowe, and my feelings are clearly written elsewhere.

              I now have a rebuilt four core rad, with a Merc 190 oil cooler in the bottom of it (clears the outlet), same design as the upgrade Stag V8 rads. I have an additional 13row oil cooler (yet to be fitted).

              I may not tow, but I do load the rack and the rear to the gunwhals... I would stick with a well serviced viscous fan, and concentrate on the ariflow through the rad. ie. exiting hot air from the engine bay so that air does in fact flow through the rad and not stop directly after it, or round it.

              Pack the grill with foam, so that air entering the openings can only go through the rad. Not round, below, or above it (rubblebags came up with this one, and swears by it...). You may also want to consider bonnet vents are the rear edge of the bonnet to allow hot air to exit (still thinking about this one).

              I have had a short jaunt with almost all the load that caused problems before... (creeping into the red).. so far touch wood the needle hasn't budged. And I haven't fitted the additional oil cooler yet.

              I have my briefly used Kenlowe 16S fan up for sale... make me an offer, and try it out. Unfortunately, I have tried all their fitting kits, and they were pi55 p00r. Best left gathering dust somewhere. If you are happy to make your own mounting brackets up, make me an offer for the rest.


              • #8
                Just drive as you normaly would I leave the overdrive on all the time etc off, the auto box is far more intelligent then most of us when it come to selecting the right gear it wont let the engine labour up hills etc just relax and and enjoy the drive.
                ionic SURFactant


                • #9
                  Hi Bob, I have a 3rd gen and tow a large twin axle caravan. I have towed all over France and just left the Surf to its own devices. I was totally suprised at how well in tows. YOu would think that becuse it only is a 3 speed box that it would be up and down all the time. But that is not the case, it cruises along hardly making any difference to normal driving. However that said I do have a Kenlowe oil cooler fitted. The kit is very much do it yourself as it comes with all clips and pipes. Just decide where you are going to site it, then cut the two pipes from the gearbox to the radiator and splice in the cooler. Top up the oil and its done about an hours work.

                  If you want further info drop me a line
                  Visit all the Surfin Elkhounds at [url="http://www.malenibo.co.uk/"]www.malenibo.co.uk[/url]

