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Left Front Wheel noise

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  • Left Front Wheel noise

    Hi ALL!
    Hope you aren't so fat after xmas

    I've notice on my 4Runner, an annoying noise come from the left front wheel, like metal with metal. I check the breakes, fluids and apparently all are fine.

    When I break, the Runner is smooth like usual, but sometimes I feel some ABS efect coming from that wheel, but.... I don't have ABS system on it!

    A candy to who guess what is it.
    Any ideas?
    Jose Carlos (Charles)
    "Everybody need something. I think I need a beer..."

  • #2
    Front Wheel Noise

    Hi TugaRunner

    If the noise is only when you brake it is almost certainly the brake pads down to bare metal. Sometimes when not actually braking a light tinkling noise is heard - same thing. You need to fit new pads A.S.A.P. before the discs are ruined. The ABS effect may be the pads, or whats left of them, moving within the caliper.
    One thing that has happened to me in the past was getting a small stone lodged between the wheel rim and the brake disc which sounded like knackered brake pads.

    Hope this is of help


    Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


    • #3
      Front wheel noise

      Originally posted by Silversurfer
      Hi TugaRunner

      If the noise is only when you brake it is almost certainly the brake pads down to bare metal. Silversurfer

      Well, it was the first thing I check, but the pads are midlife. And the noise is constant and growing up when driving.

      You told something i don't check before: That little rock.... but something tells me that not could be the problem....Perhaps a breake oil change?
      Jose Carlos (Charles)
      "Everybody need something. I think I need a beer..."


      • #4

        i had the same thing . tried everything guess wot it was the !!!!!! tyre. no signs of wear or damage but i had to have a new set and bingo it went . try changeing ya wheels about or put ya spare on the front . i know it sounds unlikely but it happened to me
        black n tan
        black n tan
        yes i am a dobermann man


        • #5
          Front Wheel Noise

          Hi Again

          Looks like it will have to be a process of ellimination then - Next up to check should be the wheel bearing if the noise is constant, if there is a lot of play in the bearing it could account for the ABS effect when braking.


          Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


          • #6
            Front wheel noise

            Strange thing Slydog.
            Did your truck came from 5th Dimension? Just kidding.....
            Perhaps when you change the tire, some stone came from apart and "resolved" the problem... well... could be.
            But yes, my front tires are on the edge....

            I'll try all your hints tonight, and will tell you about the mistery.
            Thanks ALL!
            Jose Carlos (Charles)
            "Everybody need something. I think I need a beer..."


            • #7
              could be brake rotor

              might want to check to see if your brake rotor has excessive run-out. By that i mean that it is warped, and can cause your brake pads to glaze over because of overheating which is caused by the warping. The glaze can actually give you a metalic on metalic sound. Also, the warpage could very well be the cause of the wheel feeling like it has ABS...ie, the pulsating feeling. Hope this might be of help.


              • #8
                Front wheel noise - updating and ending (?)

                whel, hope you entered in 2005 in 4WD

                Sorry to reply so late, but the last week was nuts...
                Many thanks to you all for helping me to find the solution for the noise and.... indeed! It was a rock!!! One piece of rock almost destroy the brake pad! Now I have a litle hole along the "disk" and the pad have something break in, and the noise came from there.

                Whell, now I need to replace it.
                Perhaps not big deal, but I want to change it myself and looking here in the foruns, I don't have lucky to find how to do it, like "how to replace the front brake pads for dummies". Only saw for rear.
                So, can you guys help me on this?
                Once again, thanks a lot!!!
                Jose Carlos (Charles)
                "Everybody need something. I think I need a beer..."


                • #9
                  Front Brake Pad Change

                  Hi TugaRunner

                  Glad to hear you found the source of the noise.

                  The attachment is info on how to change the front brake pads on a 4Runner/Surf.


                  Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


                  • #10
                    Noise came from the brake pads and...

                    Originally posted by Silversurfer
                    Hi TugaRunner

                    Glad to hear you found the source of the noise.

                    The attachment is info on how to change the front brake pads on a 4Runner/Surf.


                    hi ALL!
                    This is a updating!
                    Last weekend, i tried to change the pads, and have some problems.
                    When i tried to put in the new one on the "enter fluid side", the piston don't back into the housing. I force a little, but no luck.

                    So i bleed the system, remove the calipers and notice the pistons are rusty, because each rubber have little hole on it. Bad luck.
                    Apart the rock i told before, I think the rusty thing was one of the cause of the "ABS feeling", because the piston don't move like the others. 3 ok and 1 faulty.

                    When i remove all, notice I only have two anti-squeal shims!!! The last owner was lazzy.....

                    Well, tonight i'll try to put all the pieces back again and this is my primary question:
                    Since i bleed the system, what caution i might have to put the system right with the fluids?
                    Jose Carlos (Charles)
                    "Everybody need something. I think I need a beer..."

