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How Big Is Yours ???

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  • How Big Is Yours ???

    Now then. This is a techical kinda question anyone with a tape measure can take part in. I am New to surfs, infact new to 4x4 alltogather and currently have one on its way from Japan as we speak (Hopefully somewhere near the suez canal by now) But I am not sure i will get it up the drive to the garage once its arrived. So, I need someone to measure the widest point of the vehicle (Probabily the wing mirrors) to see if I am going to have to change the gates and the way they open. Most people would have done this before they bought one but, me being me likes to do things the wrong way round !!! I might learn one day ! Also just out of curiosity, What is the top speed i can possibly get without hurting my new toy ? I currently own a Cossie and a 4x4 Calibra but I'm gonna have to grow up sometime and this is my first move to becomming a slower, more sensible driver. Tiz a 2.4 TD Auto Limited . Aug 1991.

    Cheers !!!

  • #2
    Just as a guide, I manage to get mine into a typical local authority standard garage, designed when the best the grafting classes could aspire to was a second hand Morris Minor 1000 and I still have room to get out (I am 5'6" and 15.5 Stone). I can close the garage door too!!

    I knew there was a list of dimensions somewhere:

    Exterior length 4850mm
    Exterior width 1800mm
    Exterior height 1805mm
    Interior length 1850mm
    Interior width 1395mm
    Interior height 1165mm
    Wheelbase 2675mm
    Front track 1505mm
    Rear track 1495mm
    Ground clearance 240mm
    Weight 1830kg
    Last edited by kitesurf_phil; 17 November 2004, 01:39.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      As I figured !!!!! I Need more room. I am only going to have a gap either side of around 2 " at the most to get it through that gates. This may be enough but until i can judge the vehicle, it may be safer doing a few alterations on my days off. Further up the drive i have about an extra 2 ft so getting out aint a problem, Its just getting to that point !!!

      !!! Thanx for the info !!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deviant 1
        Also just out of curiosity, What is the top speed i can possibly get without hurting my new toy ? I currently own a Cossie and a 4x4 Calibra but I'm gonna have to grow up sometime and this is my first move to becomming a slower, more sensible driver. Tiz a 2.4 TD Auto Limited . Aug 1991.
        I've seen 90, down hill, wind assisted.

        My last two cars have been 3ltr 24v V6s, and so were pretty swift cars. I found the transition to a 2.4 Surf relaxing and easy. I no longer feel the need to drive like a bat out of hell and be in front of the guy in front. Pootling along on the motorway at 65-70 is almost a revalation, the number of things I've spotted as I pass by that I've never seen before is astounding.

        Enjoy you new Surf (when it arrives).
        Paul </Slugsie>
        Immortal.so far!


        • #5
          Must admit. The one i test drove was a 3ltr jobbie and i had trouble keeping it under 30 mph ! Maybe it was because they are alot more quiet than my cars and i couldnt hear the engine revs !!!! (Or the exhaust). Anyways, I am keeping the Cossie just incase I need to have an outburst now and then ! Plus its something i can't bare to part with !


          • #6
            2" either side of the garage door is about all the clearance I have. Thankfully the garage opens up by about a foot either side, once through the door. I have stuck some pieces of carpet to the walls just in case I mis-judge it one day. The Surf has better mirrors than a lot of motors and I find them very good for reversing.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #7
              Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
              2" either side of the garage door is about all the clearance I have. Thankfully the garage opens up by about a foot either side, once through the door. I have stuck some pieces of carpet to the walls just in case I mis-judge it one day. The Surf has better mirrors than a lot of motors and I find them very good for reversing.
              Didn't you trash your garage a while back......the door ???? bags of room if you got no door....
              Had enough... going to live in Spain....


              • #8
                Originally posted by Helen
                Didn't you trash your garage a while back......the door ???? bags of room if you got no door....
                Wasn't me

                :edit: I remember mentioning that I scraped the wheel arches on the door frame and had to respray them.
                Last edited by kitesurf_phil; 17 November 2004, 17:24.
                It's only a hobby!


                • #9
                  deviant 1,
                  i also "HAD" a cossie, 4x4 saff, 1991, i was 3rd owner, like a new pin....
                  .... sold it to get my daughter a car...
                  keep hold of yours..... [or sell to me]....

                  enjoy your surf......
                  2.4 T.D,s should carry a government health warning


                  • #10
                    Id love to have a nippy petrol car that goes well in addition to the Surf!... Clio cup or similar
                    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                    • #11

                      I'm not too sure this is what you're looking for but it may be worth a click



                      • #12
                        That link was bang on !! Had everything i was looking for and more. Nice one Baloo !!!

                        Just had Cossie broken into tonight at work AGAIN !! Smashed the passenger window relised they couldnt take it AGAIN !! Now I am wondering how easy it is gonna be to get replacement windows for the Surf incase they target that too. All the parts and accessorie sites i have looked at don't state glass for the vehicle. Are the windows easy enough to get hold of or is that gonna be a 6 week process from abroad ? Or am i just starting to worry now after tonight and make myself paranoid ???

                        As for You welshsurfer, I wont sell U the Cossie but i may give you the Calibra as its the last one of them ill EVER buy ! Think a Surf hurts your Bank Account . Buy a Calibra and then you'll see what hurts !! LOL
                        !!! I'M THE ONE YOUR MOTHER WARNED YOU ABOUT !!!

