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newbie with 2 probs

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  • newbie with 2 probs

    Hi, just aquired 2.4 1993 Surf. 2 probs first the air does not blow on the windscreen Ive looked at some old threads as to the problem however what they dont mention is that on mine when you select the air direction buttons they turn green, except the windscreen one which turns orange. Second prob is that the turbo light lights up when the ignition is switched on but it never lights up when driving even thoough Ican hear the turbo whistling. If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful. apart from little things like these the Surf is a great vehicle cant wait to get off road and see how it performs against the defender

  • #2
    air blower

    The windscreen button should turn Orange, Mine does. But its still hopeless, the screen mists up and thats it, either drive in the fog or use a rag to wipe it as you drive. As far as teh Turbo light goes Im afraid I cant help. Happy Surfin


    • #3
      Originally posted by Vin
      The windscreen button should turn Orange, Mine does. But its still hopeless, the screen mists up and thats it, either drive in the fog or use a rag to wipe it as you drive. As far as teh Turbo light goes Im afraid I cant help. Happy Surfin
      This may sound mad but use your AC with the windscreen, that will help clear the screen better.

      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #4
        Originally posted by UDTrev
        This may sound mad but use your AC with the windscreen, that will help clear the screen better.

        its true - i have AC on almost all the time i have the heater on now - on long journeys its almost good!
        think we all have rubbish demisters...
        Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


        • #5

          Hi l was going to comment but its been covered so enough said.
          Live Life To The Full


          • #6
            i cant stand it when people comment on the comment with no apparent comment lol
            Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


            • #7
              Originally posted by dirtydog
              i cant stand it when people comment on the comment with no apparent comment lol
              I'd just like to add that I dont care what the government says, ;I'm NOT giving up passive smoking!!!:
              ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


              • #8
                The only comment I would like to add to the aforesaid comments is, yes they are all hopeless but I find that if, as soon as I hit the demist button I put the fan on full blast, it clears the screen. It is so damned noisy that I have to up the stereo level by 9dB.
                It's only a hobby!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vin
                  The windscreen button should turn Orange, Mine does. But its still hopeless, the screen mists up and thats it, either drive in the fog or use a rag to wipe it as you drive. As far as teh Turbo light goes Im afraid I cant help. Happy Surfin
                  If you look up in the drivers footwell at the back of the centre console you should see a black box with a white 'arm' on the side. While you are looking at this press a few of the buttons that control air flow direction and watch how the arm moves. When you select the demist setting push the arm along to the end of the track (you'll see what I mean when it's happening). Hey presto, plenty of air flowing onto the windscreen.

                  I now leave mine on demist, car still warms up quickly enough, and I can see where I'm going too.
                  Paul </Slugsie>
                  Immortal.so far!


                  • #10
                    thanks alot for the advice


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jonnyq462
                      thanks alot for the advice


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the info on the demister. I have just bought a 2.4 Surf and have exactly the same problems. Hopefully the last reply will sort out the heater, but if you still haven't sorted the turbo, this may help.
                        I put mine into a 4x4 specialist locally as the green turbo light came on with the ignition, but not while driving, leaving the car flat at mid range, although i could still hear the turbo winding up. The garage replaced a perishable hose, (which they said was a common problem) on the turbo and the spring that sets the boost pressure. The boost pressure was then set to .7bar, and hey presto the car goes like a dream.


                        • #13
                          I had this problem with my Surf. Pressing the demist button activates a solenoid which moves a cable - rather like pulling a brake lever on a push bike. The cable on mine had developped a kink so that when the button was pushed the solenoid caused the cable to bend without causing any real movement. The solution was to put a splint on the cable to prevent the kinking. I think that I used matchsticks or something similar. Job done and it is still working after three years! You have to take the middle part of the dash apart to get at it but not a big job.


