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Fan belts

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  • Fan belts

    Does anybody know of a easy or quick way of changing all fan belts on a 1992, 2.4TD? The back one on the water pump has broken so the other one on the alternator/water pump is on its max adjustment and likes to squeal.
    The neighbours must love it at 7 in the morning.
    Thanks Mark

  • #2

    Hi.... Yes all easy to change, you will need a goodish socket set with the right length extension bar, about 4 inches, think its a 12 mm socket, you will need to loosen the alternator clamp bolt, which is directly under the alt pully, quite hard to see, you will need a torch, on the left of the alt, you will see a belt tension screw, loosen that about 30mm and pull on the belt, it should pull the alternator back to make putting on the belts easier.
    You will also have to loosen the power steering pump clamp bolt and slightly loosen the pump securing bolt, you will then be able to move the pump to be able get belts off.
    make a not how the belts run, get all new belts, you can get them from any good toyota dealer, they are the same as an hi lux, you will need your chassis number and the vin number.
    when you have the belts on, the tensioning of the alternator is really easy, just tension with the tension bolt until you get 12mm deflection on the longest run of the belt.
    The steering pump belt can be tensioned by levering the pump back with a long screwdriver, and then lock it up.
    make sure the two belts that go from water pump to alternator are both the same make, as they are both tensioned together, if there are dif makes, one will be slack and the other will be tight.


    • #3
      Fan belts

      Thank you Snowwolf for that info, just looks tight working down there with big hands


      • #4

        Its not to bad, but it will be handy to invest in a nice Halfords socket and spanner set, they are good and I done a head change last week, with only using the socket set, and of course a 28lb hammer...lol if you get stuck and have got big hands and can't do it, drive down to Rochester kent and I will do it for you.


        • #5
          Thanks for that Snowwolf, changed both fan belts, power steering and air con belts last week. Plenty of swearing but done it in the end. Thanks Mark.

