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  • Help

    Can any one help Gary see his mail below, he has posted his problems up before, thanks.

    I took an enforced few months off after the new timing belt and re-con pump got me nowhere! Eventually I managed to bribe an engine builder to listen to my Surf and his verdict was that the engine suffered a partial seizure and freed itself, a phenomenon not unheard of in rebuilt diesels! Unfortunately the reason for seizure is not always obvious but the conseqeunce is always damage. In his opinion there is most likely conrod/smallend damage, he cannot be certain, but is positive that there is no head or timing related problems. I put this to API (who built the engine) several times and eventually got a response: they asked for the engine to be removed which they will collect, repair or replace and return. Now they are only willing to pay ICME trade rates from the Sewell's guide: 9hrs @ £30.00ph, £270.00 +vat for the engine in and out! Guess what? Even offering to make up the difference I cannot get a single garage interested! Do you know of anyone who doesn't run a mile from Surfs and I could genuinely trust in the Herts/ Essex/ N.London area? If not, could I ask if you could post this to the forum on my behalf, as I never mastered anything other than elongating my original rantings, which were both an age ago and extremely tedious reading!

    Kind Regards

    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off

  • #2
    If they are going to give him the money to pay for the engine in/out why doesnt he do it himself. If it was summer i would do it but laying under a surf in cold/rain really does not appeal to me!!!!
    Does it have to be a registered workshop, a mate of mine plays with race cars and has full facilities, when not fixing race cars he may welcome some extra cash for a couple of days work. He used to import surfs and pajeros until about 2 years ago so does know a bit about them.
    Let me know if that sounds good and i will find out if he has time for it.
    If it aint broke...........give it some more abuse!!!!!!!!
    I gave it some abuse.................and it broke!!!!!!!

