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  • Headlights

    My wife has a 1971 VW Beetle and I recon the surf shares the same type of headlight(candles). Is there any moden type of light you can replace them with to improve on the candles they come with?(thats the surfs not the beetles...)

  • #2
    We put Ring extra bright one's in Linda's truck, but to be honest, normal halogens are bright enough for me.

    You sure the headlight relay isn't knackered or the lights grubby inside.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Originally posted by TonyN
      We put Ring extra bright one's in Linda's truck, but to be honest, normal halogens are bright enough for me.

      You sure the headlight relay isn't knackered or the lights grubby inside.

      Where do you get these extra bright ones and how much? Could do with them when I'm trying to find a cow that's calving in the middle of the night in a muddy field.


      • #4
        Got mine for the Surf from Halfords, they do have a variety of Halfords branded bulbs in stock from the blue ones which are not actually all that blue at all (a good thing) but do give off a brighter/whiter light than normal, to Xenon "30% brighter" ones. All at about £10 per bulb.

        I got the Halfords 30% brighter ones in the truck which are far better than the normal ones it came with. I also have Philips bluevision ones from http://www.powerbulbs.co.uk/ in my other car and my motorbike - again far better than normal ones.

        How good your lights are can also have a lot to do with the age of the bulbs/headlights - I found my old bulbs were quite dirty and the headlight lenses were also very "faded", when I got new headlights from Milner after cracking one of mine the replacements were much much clearer.
        Last edited by codlord; 17 October 2004, 12:10.
        No longer a Surf owner.


        • #5
          Thanx - a trip to Halfords in the near future

