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Advice needed - overheated, now black & white smoke

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  • Advice needed - overheated, now black & white smoke

    Hi all,

    I bought my 2.4 surf a year ago and it's been the best vehicle I've had but now I've got a problem! I was towing a boat last Friday on the M5 and noticed that the temperature was approaching the red, then going into the red so I stopped as soon as I could and saw that water was peeing out of a tiny split at the top of the rad. I let things cool down, topped the water up and completed the 20 odd miles home with the needle about half way on the gauge.

    I thought I'd got away with it but on re-starting (after cooling down again), she's puffing out lots of white smoke (steam I guess) and some black smoke too but the engine still sounds sweet and is pulling OK. I was hoping that some of you might have had some experience of this and can advise whether you think it's just the head gasket or worse, and where's the best place to source a new rad, tires and other bits as she's also due for MOT?



  • #2
    You need to get a pressure test done.This will determine if cooling system is being pressurised from engine through a blown gasket or cracked head.



    • #3
      S S R G is the only way to surf

      scottish mud club member kerelawsurf


      • #4
        If you overheated it, its the head. If its only the gasket, its a miracle. Either way its off with its head. Look for cracks between the valves, they might be small but I bet they will be there. Look forward to spending around 1000 pounds. New heads available from Stevo ( ad at top of page) Dont buy any heads from ebay. Whether its head or gasket you will need new stretch bolts. If youre not doing the job yourself, be very careful who you get to do it. Getting the correct torque and following the sequence is very important. Use the search, lots of info

        Сви можемо


        • #5
          sorry, but bet you have blown your head mate. best place for heads is stevo as bogus said and for other spares try www.milneroffroad.com

          hope you get it sorted soon buddy, i know its horrible when they let go. but when its done it will give you years of service. good luck.
          TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



          • #6
            Head replacement

            My head went 2 weeks ago on my '92 SSRG 2.4, I can't find a garage who will touch it so have decided to go it alone (with the help of my Dad who is great with engines!!!) I have a manual from Roughtrax.co.uk written by an aussie, Max Ellery or something, don't mind doing it, don't mind the time it will take, has anyone here done a head and gasket replacement ??? P.S. I have another head ready to go on - just would like to know if it is possible and do i need any specialist tools ?? Thanks guys any help would be a great help, IGGISAIL XXXxxx


            • #7
              Originally posted by andrewlee31
              sorry, but bet you have blown your head mate. best place for heads is stevo as bogus said and for other spares try www.milneroffroad.com

              hope you get it sorted soon buddy, i know its horrible when they let go. but when its done it will give you years of service. good luck.

              28th September 2004!


              • #8
                Originally posted by IGGISAIL
                My head went 2 weeks ago on my '92 SSRG 2.4, I can't find a garage who will touch it so have decided to go it alone (with the help of my Dad who is great with engines!!!) I have a manual from Roughtrax.co.uk written by an aussie, Max Ellery or something, don't mind doing it, don't mind the time it will take, has anyone here done a head and gasket replacement ??? P.S. I have another head ready to go on - just would like to know if it is possible and do i need any specialist tools ?? Thanks guys any help would be a great help, IGGISAIL XXXxxx

                There's a step by step guide here.........



                • #9
                  Cylindar Head- Go for it!

                  Mine went about a year ago. Money was tight. Bought a bare head and stretch bolts from Miliner (aprox £600) and me and hubby did it ourselves with the manual from roughtrax.
                  Worse to do than other cars. Far too many bits to disassemble before you can even get to the head. But the actually head bit is simple. Miliner supplied a print out of the torque settings and sequences with the head.
                  Putting all the bits back together after we'd done the head was very trying.
                  Wires, pipes, switches, radiator fan (need small hands). few bits left over lol
                  Anyway, I'd say go for it if you can't afford or find a mechanic. It took us best part of 2 days start to finish. A bloke I know who works for Toyota says it takes him at least 20 hours labour ( and he knows what he's doing).


                  • #10
                    Also, if there's a digi cam available, take loads of pics so you know which bits go onto other bits.


                    • #11
                      Good Point

                      I didn't own one at the time.


                      • #12
                        Thank you Guys

                        Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!!!!!! You guys are the greatest Thanks for the tips and the manual, will keep you all posted as to how I am getting on !!!!! Thanks again Guys IGGISAIL XXXXxxxxxx


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by IGGISAIL
                          Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!!!!!! You guys are the greatest Thanks for the tips and the manual, will keep you all posted as to how I am getting on !!!!! Thanks again Guys IGGISAIL XXXXxxxxxx

                          If you're really stuck......................... .......

                          Where 'bouts in south Wales?


                          • #14
                            we did ours ourselves and it seems to be going ok, used plenty of freezer bags to keep bits in with lables. we removed the inlet and exhaust manifold as they are fastened together with a pipe around the rear of the engine it seemed the right thing to do, i wonder if we could have managed with only removing the studs from the manifolds and sliding the head out from in between this would saved lots of reassembly time, has enyone done it this way or know if its possible??

