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price guidence for stuff

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  • price guidence for stuff

    i have decided to have a good service because i think it is required. i am not going to do it myself cos i cant!! i want all new filters, brakes checking, etc etc. just a really good overhaul. also have it tuned so as to perform better as i think sometimes it is a little more sluggish than it needs to be. how much will that cost? i thought i might go to the local toyota dealer (am i financially stupid!!!!?)

    ...also, waxoil is a good idea but where would i go for that and how much does it cost?

    i appriciate everywhere is differant across the nation but rough ideas will prepear me for the shock!

  • #2
    ref service parts

    hi matt been servicing my own surf last 3yrs get my parts from milner4x4 set of fiters oil air and fuel twelve pound fithty front brake pads the same price as filters will look for there web site i think there site is on here not to far from you to give you a hand


    • #3
      I'd bet money that you CAN do most of the servicing yourself, or at least, COULD. You're simply turning nuts, bolts and screws - it's not hard, but the fear of getting something wrong is usually quite high first couple of times you do something. If you have tools, time and a dry day, you really could do most things yourself. Pretty much all the service info you'll need is on this forum. Again, you're just turning nuts, bolts & screws. If you don't have tools, time or a dry day, then it makes sense to get someone else to do it.


      • #4
        ....as the saying goes, i 'ant touching it with a barge pole!
        the reason i want it properly done is that when they find that the whole thing is falling apart around my ears, in comes mr warranty!
        i am one of those people that has all the time in the world for anything..apart from diy, of and this computer but hey i am trying to buy a new one.money money money

