Have noticed a noise on my new surf.
It is not present when car not moving, and not present with engine revs.
Happens as car gets to about 10 mph, and then stays all through the range (i think). When slowing down, as you dip below 10 ish mph it stops.
Happens if you cruise in neutral - so seems nothing to do with the engine.
No alteration if you select 4WD
seems to be coming from front off side wheel.
only audible if window down / head out of window.
sounds a bit like turbo whine (but isn't) - but rougher and more metalic type of whine. Probably a cross betwine a whine and the noise you get when you try to brake with no pads left!!
No alteration of noise during braking.
Car has just passed an MOT.
Any ideas anyone please????
ta all.
It is not present when car not moving, and not present with engine revs.
Happens as car gets to about 10 mph, and then stays all through the range (i think). When slowing down, as you dip below 10 ish mph it stops.
Happens if you cruise in neutral - so seems nothing to do with the engine.
No alteration if you select 4WD
seems to be coming from front off side wheel.
only audible if window down / head out of window.
sounds a bit like turbo whine (but isn't) - but rougher and more metalic type of whine. Probably a cross betwine a whine and the noise you get when you try to brake with no pads left!!
No alteration of noise during braking.
Car has just passed an MOT.
Any ideas anyone please????
ta all.
