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Tailgate window mechanicals

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  • Tailgate window mechanicals

    Hi all,

    Carpet shop put a roll of carpet in the back with widow half rolled up and roll resting on one corner. Wife put it down as soon as she saw how they loaded it, but it strained something and next few times the window was used, that corner didn't close fully. It stopped as soon as it reached the top seal. Then suddenly it would not go down anymore, I just get a cooling noise like a gear slipping or something. I have crawled in the back as removed the carpet cover and steel plate to see the internals. I can see the motor move a tiny as you try to put it down, but just get the clicking. I took a video with the help of my 3yr old son....I will try to find how to load it here.

    Any ideas? I don't know where to look... You can't really see anything clearly
    92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab

  • #2

    92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab


    • #3


      • #4
        Thanks madcambel. But before I go taking this apart...do you think this is the problem? The motor coming apart?

        And sorry if this is a silly question....but can it be some with the window and tailgate up?
        92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab


        • #5
          Hi Ben

          This is the norm for most back windows, as in your video your can hear the motor working but nothing happening ...that's because the plates on the inside have separated and not turning the cog that in turn raises or lowers the window. Having taken the carpet off and the metal plate you only have to remove 3 bolts, unplug the motor and then pop the plate off the top as in the instructions..I posted for you ;-)

          so yes



          • #6
            Thanks!!! Just pre-removal jitters I suppose....?!?!?! Haha
            92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab


            • #7
              The other thing I wasn't sure about.... The motor seems to work. With the window up, if I try to move down, I just get a little shift and then it clicks like something is slipping or not catching. Then if I try and put it up, the window miss up ever so slightly until it's closed. Which made me think the motor was wprking, but something was out of place.

              I assumed that the weight of a roll of carpet resting on the half raised window had bent or dislodged something. I guess if the motor was shagged I expected it not to try and move. Only thing for it is to remove as suggeste
              92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab


              • #8
                it will make more sense when you got it all apart, if you going to do it tomorrow, give us a call, and i can explain with a whole window regulator i got out over here
                the wolf is always bigger when you are scared!!


                • #9
                  Ok so motor removed, and it looks fine. Although I haven't dismantled the actual motor as I noticed something obviously wrong.....the large gear at the back that the motor turns, has 2/3 teeth missing right where it meets the motors little gear!!!

                  That might explain why the motor moves but the window doesn't?!?!

                  Any thoughts or advice??? I guess I need to replace that's the gear....any idea how to do it? And where to get the big gear??

                  Also, there is a small amount of play in the motor gear/shaft. Is there a certain amount that is normal?

                  Thanks for the advice so far....atleast I seem to have found the problem!!
                  92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab


                  • #10
                    Missing teeth on the large gear is very unusual. The normal issue is the bond between the motor drive and the rubber/plastic gives up. The motor can run fine but be useless under load.


                    • #11
                      the gear of the motor was loose too
                      the wolf is always bigger when you are scared!!


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the help today JC...much appreciated
                        92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab


                        • #13
                          your welcome
                          the wolf is always bigger when you are scared!!


                          • #14

                            So all of my other windows are now acting the maggot. Some of them have been fairly slow, but now they are nearly stopping going up and down. Need a helping hand once they stop.

                            Any chance that they just need to be greased? Or do I need to try and find 3 or 4 new window motors for the side doors???

                            Gonna try and open the doors at the weekend to see what the story is.
                            92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab


                            • #15
                              Oh...and it hasn't happened to all windows suddenly like an electrical issue.... it's been getting steadily worse at different rates on each of the windows. Seems to me like maybe it's coming to the end of life on the motors after 23 years
                              92 Manual, 93 auto, 03 Dual Cab, 95 Single Cab

