HI there, I know these rear windows are renowned for giving up - she is 22 years old after all! I've always managed to get it going agin in the past, maybe I've left it a little long this time.
Basically, the window goes up and down but for the last 2-3 inches. I have to give it a helping hand to do that. I've just stripped it down, lubricated all the runners and mechanism, but still it won't push the window glass all the way up.
Is this likely to be the motor is fubar, or would is have come adrift somehow? Is there a fixit here - I've searched and can't find one.
Basically, the window goes up and down but for the last 2-3 inches. I have to give it a helping hand to do that. I've just stripped it down, lubricated all the runners and mechanism, but still it won't push the window glass all the way up.
Is this likely to be the motor is fubar, or would is have come adrift somehow? Is there a fixit here - I've searched and can't find one.