My trusty Surf finally succumbed to overheating with lots of white smoke and bubbling of water etc so reckoned heads gone. Left it for a couple of weeks until a mechanic suggested trying some K-Seal in it. Batteries were flat so recharged them and all looked well on instrument panel but the bugger wouldn't start and batteries ran flat again. Re-charged them and before trying again I noticed that the orange lamp stays on and all of a sudden the timing belt warning lamp is on.
I know its buggered and is going to the great scrappie in the sky however I'm curious to know why all these lights are coming on? - still doesn't start mind you!
Just keen to enlarge the knowledge base!! Your comments very welcome.
I know its buggered and is going to the great scrappie in the sky however I'm curious to know why all these lights are coming on? - still doesn't start mind you!
Just keen to enlarge the knowledge base!! Your comments very welcome.