sorry for sounding like i havent looked on here for an answer but i really have and i need a clear answer or rather a better one than i have already, here goes i am getting a tapping noise from the top end -my truck is a nightmare to start from cold and blows smoke and tapps like mad till warm then just tapps constant it will go when revs go up but always at idle, i have had a stethoscope on the injectors and no1 sounds "different" to the others ie bit more noisy but i was thinking it was shims?? its quite a bad rattle/tapp noise i am a bit down on power, i have noticed that on start from cold the whole engine shakes ALOT untill warm than that goes away, the tapping noise is driving me mad,could it be pump timing out?? or injector snafu?? any help suggestions would be better than my guessing thanks in advance
