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Manual glow plug switch

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  • Manual glow plug switch

    Hi guys,

    Just wanted to share my recent activities.... for good while the old girl hasnt been getting powet to the glow plugs well a quick bit of testing revealed that the 10volts was getting from the solenoid to the buzz bar but when it touched the buzz bar it would drop the voltage to 0... having re wrapped my bus bar it definately wasnt earthing these are brand new plugs amd the connection is not on the inlet manifold stud to rule that out...... after 3 mins of cranking she would fire.... barely as its been getting colder i couldnt afford the risk of gettjng caught out, (que a-team music) i installed a switch taking power from the glowplug fuse and going back to the solenoid connected to the buzz bar.... now i dunno what the heck ive bypassed tbh but a quick flick of the switch and hey presto it starts first crank, gets 11 volts to the buzz bar but i installed another fuse in line and the wires stay cool so fek it i couldnt find the problem but i got round it somehow for a couole of quid!