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engine rough

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  • engine rough

    quick question people my engine [2.4] has started making a slight rattle poss from the top, you cant really hear it on tick over but when you rev it the whole engine shakes!! its a little slow when moving its hard to start from cold, i have just changed fuel filter and done a oil and filter change, going to change glow plugs tomorow to sort starting problem out, but this noise is mad and the engine shakes can anybody pinpoint this? has anybody had the same? i was thinking my timing belt had slipped slightly???? any help would be well helpfull

  • #2
    could starting and the noise be related? in which case glow plugs will be a waist, have you done a compression check? or had the rocker cover off and checked those bits?


    • #3
      engine rough

      not had time to get into the engine yet, ive had the crap starting before this engine noise and rattle so putting new plugs in anyway, i revved it up about an hour ago and around 1300 rpm the engine wants to jump out my truck!! shakes very bad, im not down on power that much [for the 2.4 anyway] but there is deffo a light tapping going down the road and when i stop if you pop the bonnet and twerk the revs you can see engine shaking loads but only after around 1300 rpm???? very confused at the mo and its getting dark so cant go and view/inspect.


      • #4
        lol, yeah 2.4's sure are sporty


        • #5

          just to let people no all is now well in my surf world problems were no insulators on the bus bar/plugs and no1 injector was up the creek thanks for all suggestions and help you kind lot

