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Engine Removal

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  • Engine Removal

    I'm just about to remove what's left of the original engine in my surf, ready to drop the replacement in. Don't want to take the gearbox out as well though. If I put a support of some kind under the gearbox will I be ok to lift the engine out or do I need to lift the gearbox slightly to prevent any damage to the splines when disconnecting the engine from the gearbox / torque converter?

    It's a 2.4 auto.

    I'm hoping it's just going to lift over the threaded studs of the engine mounts, or would it be a better Idea to unbolt the engine mounts completely and lift the engine and the mounts together?
    Last edited by RebelV8; 7 September 2013, 20:39.

  • #2
    did you get it out ok?


    • #3
      Hi Andy

      Yes, got it out ok, also managed to remove all the air con stuff from under the front as well. Plan is now to spend this week cleaning and tidying the engine bay in preparation for the replacement engine going in at the weekend, well, thats the plan, depending on the weather, it's chucking it down here at the moment.

      Thanks for asking


      • #4
        Good luck fella.

        It's a wall of water here too right now.

        Might be worth grabbing a few pics as you install the new lump.


        • #5
          Yeah, I'll get some pics of the new one going in, Really pleased with everything so far, especially as I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing


          • #6
            You'll be fine, take your time. Plenty of help and pics of stuff on here as you need it.


            • #7
              Thanks Andy


              • #8
                Old engine out and replacement ready to go in this weekend, hopefully.

                The remains of the old engine (bits I didn't use), are surplus to requirements. Now, I'm not advertising it in the for sale section as I can't guarantee that it's usable, however, there might be some parts that would be useful to someone. I'm assuming that the block might not be any good due to some cylinder damage after the head cracking (caused by detonation, I think), the bores seem ok though. There was some water in the sump when I drained it, not much though, look at the pics, if it's any good to anyone and you can collect from Northumberland (between Newcastle and Morpeth) then it's your's
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Engine Removal, completed. Replacement now in

                  The replacement engine (another 2.4) went in without too much trouble. Got carried away with trying to get it in so only managed one pic of it when it was in.
                  One mistake was dropping the engine in and trying to bolt it up to the transmission bell-housing with the torque converter bolted up to the engine. Couldn't get it to slide all the way home, even when trying to pull the two together by putting a couple of bolts in place. Vince helped out by advising that the converter needs to go on the transmission first and the engine bolts to that when in, (Thanks Vince). It went straight in after that.

                  Now that it's in, I'm re-attaching all the pipework, ancillaries and hardware etc. As previously stated, the original engine was dismantled by someone other than me while I was at work. Due to this, I have no idea where some of the pipework and wires go. In the second picture there's one hose, one bit of wire with an eye at either end and three sections of pipe, I think the hose is a heater hose but don't know where it goes, the cable looks like an earth strap but don't know where it goes and finally (for now,lol) I have no idea what the three bits of hard pipe are for or where they go. Can anyone help?

                  It's a 2.4L diesel auto on a K plate

                  Thanks in advance
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by RebelV8; 16 August 2013, 11:23.


                  • #10
                    My pics probably don't have enough detail, but here they are in case.

                    I've got a video of the engine running which might give clues...


                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by andyverran; 16 August 2013, 12:43.


                    • #11
                      They do help a bit, thanks.

                      In picture number three, there's a small cable that is bolted to the top of the alternator, it goes over the steering column, is that an earth cable?, I,m thinking that the wire in my picture might be that one.

                      Where do the pipes in picture number four go and what are they for?

                      Thanks again


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RebelV8 View Post
                        They do help a bit, thanks.

                        In picture number three, there's a small cable that is bolted to the top of the alternator, it goes over the steering column, is that an earth cable?, I,m thinking that the wire in my picture might be that one.

                        Where do the pipes in picture number four go and what are they for?

                        Thanks again
                        yep I believe that is an earth....

                        The pipes go in front of the top of the cam belt cover and up the left side of the engine next to the cam cover....to the heater valve I think..I'll see if I have another pic
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by andyverran; 16 August 2013, 12:55.


                        • #13
                          The 3 bits of hard pipe are the fuel lines from the back of the injector pump to each injector, there should be 4 of these by the way. They will only fit properly one way each, so u can't get them mixed up although it is a bit tricky the first time u do it, start from the bottom of the injector pump and work your way up so its easier to tighten them up. Don't force them.
                          The cable looks like the one from the alternator judging by its size.
                          Good luck
                          ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!


                          • #14
                            Thanks Zem, It's all coming together quite quickly now. Hopefully it's all going to be ok when done.

                            I've found a cable that goes from the rear of the engine on the left hand side of the block (looking from the front), I don't know where it goes or what it's for, can anybody tell me where it goes please. It's a yellow cable with what looks like a green stripe running along it, picture below. I know the far end of it bolts in to the engine block, just removed it so I could take a picture of it

                            Thanks in advance again
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              That's the oil pressure sender for the presure gauge on the dash.
                              The other half of that connector should be amongst the alternator wires near the driver's side battery.

