Sorry if this has been anwsered before couldn't find anything from doing a quick search.
Yesterday I replaced the Radiator on my LN130. in order to do it I had to take the bash plate off underneath the vehicle then I removed what looked like a radiator with two fans attached to it. I believe this has something to do with the airconditioning (can someone correct me if i'm wrong).
Now these two fans attached to this radiator had a pipe coming off each of them which went into a "Y" split and then the pipe carried on up into the vehicle but when I found the other end it wasn't connected to anything (should it be attched to anything - or is it just an overflow?).
Also I have notticed that the Aircon Drive belt is not attached. Is there any info online about this stuff As I would like to maybe get it working again but the workshop manual I have does not seem to provide much anwsers.
Yesterday I replaced the Radiator on my LN130. in order to do it I had to take the bash plate off underneath the vehicle then I removed what looked like a radiator with two fans attached to it. I believe this has something to do with the airconditioning (can someone correct me if i'm wrong).
Now these two fans attached to this radiator had a pipe coming off each of them which went into a "Y" split and then the pipe carried on up into the vehicle but when I found the other end it wasn't connected to anything (should it be attched to anything - or is it just an overflow?).
Also I have notticed that the Aircon Drive belt is not attached. Is there any info online about this stuff As I would like to maybe get it working again but the workshop manual I have does not seem to provide much anwsers.