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Brake pedal went to the floor.

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  • Brake pedal went to the floor.

    Well while driving home from work tonight i heard this bang when i put my foot on the brake, and the damn pedal went straight down to the floor without the car slowing much at all.

    As it was dark i couldn't really see where it was coming from with my little torch, but seems to be between the fuel tank and behind the spare wheel underneath when my mate put his foot on the brake pedal. It was gushing out.

    will have a proper look in the morning when its day light. I hope it not expensive or difficult to repair.

  • #2
    Just realized its in the wrong section of the forum... my excuse I'm tired


    • #3
      One would suspect the brake line has corroded through.
      I believe this is not uncommon.
      When parked up and pumping on the brake pedal I had a damp patch form on the Tarmac just in front of the O/S/R wheel.
      Where the brake lines run a long the chassis before it hops up and over to the rear axle the pipes sit in a corner, this corner was full of damp mud.
      After much faffing around I bought a flare kit and ran a new bit of pipe cutting out the existing corroded section.


      • #4
        well it seems to be coming from behind the fuel tank. So does the fuel tank need to be removed to get to the broken bits of pipe.....

        Also would it be easier to replace both lengths of pipe to the front of the car in case it goes again. i can borrow a flaring tool from my mate ill just need to know what type of unions the car uses if anyone knows.

        thanks all.

