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Power steering noise

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  • Power steering noise


    MY 2LTE LN130 SSRX Wide, has a gnarly sound during steering. Its not some grinding or breaking sound. It's like eeeewww sound. Kinda like something is rubbing on something that is kinda a bit oiled.

    Kinda like how a tire screeches when you turn and speed up in a covered parking lot with a shiny flooring. But with slight vibration, very very slight vibration. barely there but you can notice it.

    Help please. Thank you.

  • #2

    Trouble Shooting

    Ignore, you've already seen the trouble shooter page
    Last edited by GBV8; 20 December 2012, 00:36.


    • #3
      such a silly question to ask coming from me.
      what planet am I from.
      i should have checked my PSF reservoir before asking this silly question. It was almost drained out. I must have a tiny leak or something.

      Thanks everyone for responding.

      This issue has been resolved by refilling with castrol ATF, to what I know, it can also be used as PSF.

