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Lower than normal coolant temps

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  • Lower than normal coolant temps


    When I first got my truck, I fitted a temp sensor in the top hose to keep an eye on coolant temps - as I was paranoid about the LN130's head.

    (Fat load of good that did me, as when it went last year, it went with no warning)

    I got used to the temps being 85-89 degrees both before and after the head repair.

    A few weeks ago (and several thousand miles after I fitted a new head) I noticed that I have 67-71 degrees now - should I be worried? What does this mean?

    Could this mean that the coolant pressure has increased for some reason and reduced the temperature? Heaters, MPG, performance, all unaffected.

    Am I just paranoid?

  • #2
    Sounds like your thermostat may be stuck open
    Always up to my neck in it


    • #3
      Mabye viscous fan is coming on earlier or seized. Did you change rad with head repair and have you fitted a new possibly lower temp thermostat?
      well, that was a bad idea!


      • #4
        due to outside temps being so low? my top hose guage runs colder the cooler it is out side, but engine temps remains normal


        • #5
          thanks for your replies.

          I don't think the thermostat is stuck open - I can see the point it opens as the water gushes over the top hose and the temp shoots up.

          The lower temperatures have not really affected it as I don't see much fluctuation over a few degrees between summer and winter.

          Viscos fan - hmmm. That's worth checking out. I did replace that with the head (I broke the old one getting it off) so I'll check that out.

          I guess I should also double check the calibration of this digital temp gauge with some boiling water, as it could be giving bad readings.


          • #6
            I have added some cheapo ebay self-adhesive heat-shield to the turbo.... I can't see that reducing the coolant temp by 15 degrees though....

            Truck is running really well, maybe I should just relax....

