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Rough shutdown

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  • Rough shutdown

    Probably me however since I have rerouted the vacuum lines to link out the egr when the ignition is killed the engine shutdown is pretty abrupt and the engine can be felt stopping

    Is there anything else that may cause abrupt shutdown apart from a numpty routing the vac lines incorrectly ?

  • #2
    Originally posted by shokenore View Post
    Probably me however since I have rerouted the vacuum lines to link out the egr when the ignition is killed the engine shutdown is pretty abrupt and the engine can be felt stopping

    Is there anything else that may cause abrupt shutdown apart from a numpty routing the vac lines incorrectly ?
    Loose engine mounts?

    but that's what the butterfiles also do in the intake apart from making a vacuum for the EGR, so probably the reason.

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    • #3
      Checked engine mounts,seems ok.

      Just need to trace out the vac lines to make sure nothing has come adrift/worn through or plugged in wrong.

      Is there an idiot proof picture of the vac line layout?

      All I can find are the line drawing ones from the Toyota manuals.


      • #4
        Just block EGR Valve hose and do this -


        Bottom hose to diaphragm is removed and the pipe it comes from capped.


        Last edited by NiftyNev; 29 September 2012, 11:31.


        • #5
          IIR there are two small pipes from the vsv side that cross over the engine block is one of those blocked off aswell?

          I am starting to get a little confused....


          • #6
            Originally posted by shokenore View Post
            IIR there are two small pipes from the vsv side that cross over the engine block is one of those blocked off aswell?

            I am starting to get a little confused....
            Only one from vacuum pump to that side of engine. Do not block it.



            • #7
              Hoping this is right?
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Looks like the vac line splits into 2 where I've arrowed ? If yes then that needs blocking off as it will cause a loss of vacuum in the lines.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Referring to my picture the black rubber hose that snakes along the side of the inlet to turbo manifold drops down to the area where it joins the yellow hose ,as far as I can see the open pipe (arrowed) goes round the back of the inlet body,I suppose the easiest thing would be to stick my finger over the pipe with the engine running and see if there is any negative pressure.

                  I thought it went round the back of the throttle body to join up with the egr gubbins?

                  On a connected note the tickover used to be quite low at just over 500 rpm after having a fiddle with the hoses and more importantly the filter? on the side of the sensor atop the throttle the tickover has now raised to 750 rpm?


                  • #10
                    You got it. Just cap the other pipe you have arrowed in second pic. You are correct, this goes down under manifold to the VSVs for the EGR Valve and the bottom section of the diaphragm which you have rerouted the vacuum hose for. Now the small butterfly will only work on shutdown.



                    • #11
                      Thanks for all your help vac lines all sorted

                      One good thing? is I have spotted a diesel leak from the pump area,here is hoping it is the loose clamp on the return feed.........

                      However as it is leaving a spot of diesel on the ground the cure may not be as simple

