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Windows and tail gate not working

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  • Windows and tail gate not working

    Hi All,
    see if anyone has got an idea what could have gone wrong with my electrics. I suddenly lost the electric windows except the driver side and also the tail gate is not working.
    so far I've checked the fuses --> as far as I know there are 3 fuse boxes but none of them seems to be for the electric windows.
    the bad thing is that the passenger window is down, is there any possibility to wind it up manually?
    I would appreciate if anyone could give me an idea
    Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

  • #2
    Have you accidentally pressed the window lock button on the drivers door?
    Non consternationes.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dazandcaz View Post
      Have you accidentally pressed the window lock button on the drivers door?
      Yes I have, just realized myself... after taking half of the dashboard apart.
      well, it could do with a good clean, I suppose
      Thanks for the advise anyway
      Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

