Righto, glutton for punishment, I've just bought another 2.4 LN130. Been plaguing the guy round the corner to sell it me for two years, eventually he's caved in. Drove it home and started prodding it. Left it ticking over for an hour (waiting for the head to blow ) whilst I messed with the rear window. It was going up and down slowly, gradually getting better with the various things I was spraying on it, finally left it fully down. Then I noticed that the charge light had come on Out with the meter, alternator not charging. Bollox . Could this be coincidence or have I done something stupid with the rear door?? Also the tailgate lock knob won't come up now. I have repaced the 7.5A fuse in the fusebox and checked the big fuse too. Am I missing anything or do I need an alternator?? HELP!!!!